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  1. 51

    State documentMoss. IV,210

    Fiscal document, Ayyubid. Bifolio. There are holes in various configurations indicating where the thread for the binding used to be. Three of the four pages …

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  2. 52

    State documentUU 895

    Mamlūk-era report or petition seeking charity "ṣadaqāt al-ʿamīma". Begins with a taqbīl. Needs examination.

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  3. 53

    State documentENA 3030.9

    Small fragment of official correspondence in Arabic script, maybe a report or a decree. Reused on verso for Hebrew piyyuṭ. Requires further examination.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  4. 54

    State documentT-S Ar.39.54

    Probably a draft for a letter or petition. In Arabic script. The two sides are in different hands, but each contains elaborate titles of important …

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  5. 55

    State documentT-S Ar.41.131

    Petition to the vizier of al-Ẓāfir, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī Ibn al-Salār, regarding a fief worth 5500 dinars and a market worth 1000 faddān that were …


    1. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى وافضل تحياته و[سلامه]

    2. ما اخذ لهم من طين اقطاعهم وهو ماية فدان احتوى عليها النايب 

    3. وقد خرجت الاوامر العالية باعا…

    1. The benedictions of God and his blessings, his increasing benefactions and most excellent greetings [and peace]
    2. ... what was assigned to them as th…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  6. 56

    State documentPUL Islamic Manuscripts, Third Series no. 584e.19 (Michaelides 20a)

    Described in PUDL as a letter from a slave to his master regarding administrative matters.[Described on the paper wrapper as: "lettre d'un esclave à son …

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  7. 57

    State documentMoss. VIII,350.3-4

    State document, extremely fragmented, only a few words readable. Mentions the amir Asad al-Dawla.

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  8. 58

    State documentMoss. IXa,2.55

    Fiscal account. Contains at least two registration marks, one of which is الحمد لله وبه توفيقي. Also mentions Jews (al-Yahūd) and contains a ḥasbala. Dated …

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  9. 59

    State documentT-S Misc.22.252

    State document(s). In Arabic script. One column is probably a petition and the other the rescript (identical format to T-S NS 96.66, which was edited …

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  10. 60

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 361

    Tax receipt for Bū l-Faraj b. Bū ʿAlī. Needs further examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  11. 61

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 427

    Official document of some sort. May be headed "makhzūma." Above that, there is an ʿalāma (al-ḥamdu lil-lāhi rabbi al-ʿālamīn). Refers to money exchange (ṣarf) and …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  12. 62

    State documentT-S AS 182.268

    Official-looking corespondence in Arabic script, maybe part of a petition. Mentions a community 'raising' something to a certain Dīwān al-Kh[āṣṣ?]: حاله الى ان يرفع الجماعة …

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  13. 63

    State documentBL Or. 10578E.16

    State document, ending line of a petition containing the raʾy clause. Hebrew liturgical text on verso.


    1. حضرته {ارا} رايه العالي في ذلك ان شا الله

    1 Transcription


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  14. 64

    State documentT-S NS 193.76

    Petition. In Arabic script, in a beautiful chancery hand. Portions of 4 lines are preserved. Includes the raʾy clause (fī hādha l-bābi ʿālī l-raʾyi in …

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  15. 65

    State documentENA 2921.4

    Brief official letter in Arabic script, in a chancery hand. The addressee is to give the bearer Yūsuf and ʿInān(?) 100 silver pieces "for Minyat …

    1 Transcription

    • recto
    • verso
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  16. 66

    State documentENA 3950.5

    Fiscal account. Needs examination.

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    • recto
    • verso
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  17. 67

    State documentT-S AS 153.298

    Small fragment of a state document: "... al-awḥad Fakhr(?) al-Mulk ʿUm[...]...." Reused on recto for Hebrew text (parts of Psalms 27:1?). (Information in part from …

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  18. 68

    State documentT-S H5.111

    Document of appointment. In Arabic script. Dating: 11th or 12th century. The appointment is likely for a position in the army, mentioning an ‘affair of …

    1. ... from the abomination of death on the frontier and the affliction of annihilation.

    2. A soul should not die except by leave of God at its fixed t…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation

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  19. 69

    State documentMoss. IXa,2.57

    Tax receipt for the capitation of Riḍā b. Maḥasin the Jew in Fustat. Trigger: addā. Amount: one dīnār exactly (sawā). Three sets of registration marks, …

    Recto, top right

    1. يثبت
    2. والمبلغ دينار واحد
    3. سوا

    Recto, top middle

    1. يثبت
    2. والمبلغ دينار واحد

    Recto, top left

    1. يثبت
    2. والمبلغ دينار واحد
    3. سوا

    Recto, right…

    1. Let it be registered.
    2. The amount is one dīnār
    3. Exactly.
    1. Let it be registered.
    2. The amount is one dīnār.
    1. Let it be registered.
    2. The amount is one dī…

    1 Transcription


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  20. 70

    State documentT-S NS 148.46

    End of an official letter in Arabic script. "...fīmā yaḥtāj ilayh..." then a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ probably by the same scribe …

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  21. 71

    State documentENA 3287.5

    Petition from Naṣir b. Bū l-Faraj, who converted to Islam (ihtadā) under (ʿalā yad) Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn(?) (but perhaps different from the actual Saladin?) in the …

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  22. 72

    State documentT-S AS 209.201

    State document in Arabic, the ends of three lines in chancery script are well-preserved. Medieval-era. The fragment likely traces back to some kind of a …

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  23. 73

    State documentT-S NS 327.45 + T-S NS 327.32

    Recto: Fragment of an official letter in Arabic script mentioning the kharāj and agriculture. Dating: Early 11th century. On verso there is a tax receipt …

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  24. 74

    State documentT-S 13J33.11 + ENA NS I.23

    Original use: Fragment of a chancery document, possibly a decree. In Arabic script with wide line spacing. 7 lines are partially preserved. Later, the empty …

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  25. 75

    State documentENA NS 83.127

    Tax receipt, Fatimid. Small fragment, not much text preserved.

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  26. 76

    State documentT-S AS 177.220

    Receipt for the capitation tax in Fustat of Maḥfūz b. Eliyya. Dated: 52[.] AH.

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  27. 77

    State documentT-S AS 176.216

    Fragment of an official report, or perhaps a legal document with particularly wide line spacing. Sparse on details but is describing some situation involving a …

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  28. 78

    State documentMoss. VII,201.5

    State document, in Arabic script. Two lines preserved. The first line is mostly readable "ادام الله سعادته وما يـ[] مولايا على .......................الا في ....." Needs …

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  29. 79

    State documentT-S AS 181.173

    Tax receipt. Beginning 'tadhkira bism...' For Abū l-Ḥasan b. [...]. There is a different (earlier) document on recto. Needs examination.

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  30. 80

    State documentT-S NS 305.148

    Tax receipt.

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  31. 81

    State documentMoss. IV,318.1

    State document, probably a decree of appointment, in Arabic script. Beginning of three fragmentary lines - "يتصرف فيه...وما معها يعمل...". Needs examination.

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  32. 82

    State documentT-S NS 325.232

    Fatimid state document. Report to al-Malik al-Afḍal from al-thaghr al-maḥrūs (probably Tyre). Ca. 1108 CE. Related fragments are as follows (the clusters are defined based …

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  33. 83

    State documentBodl. MS heb. f 107/36

    State document, in Arabic script in a chancery hand. The beginnings of two lines are preserved: "wa-lammā uṭliqat al-[...]... wa-ʿalā kāfat al-mamālīk...." Reused for Hebrew …

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    • 36 recto
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  34. 84

    State documentT-S NS 147.82

    Fiscal document concerning wheat. Dated: middle of Muḥarram 564(?) AH. Reused for piyyut on verso. Needs examination.

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  35. 85

    State documentT-S NS 109.17

    Fragment from an Arabic document. The ends of 4 lines are preserved, with wide space between them. There are numbers in the first two lines …

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  36. 86

    State documentJRL Series B 2056

    State document, in Arabic script. Dating: probably Fatimid. Not a lot is preserved but the document seems like an internal government memorandum mentioning accounts and …


    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  37. 87

    State documentENA NS 58.1

    Bottom of an official letter (petition?) in Arabic script. The last line is a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Unclear how much of the text above this …

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  38. 88

    State documentT-S AS 179.181

    Small fragment of an official-looking letter (report?) in Arabic script. Mentions Damietta (Dumyāṭ).

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  39. 89

    State documentT-S AS 124.149

    Fragment from the bottom of an (official?) document in Arabic script. Reused for piyyut on recto. (Information from CUDL)

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  40. 90

    State documentT-S AS 177.598

    State or legal document in Arabic script. Needs examination.

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  41. 91

    State documentT-S AS 181.251

    Fragment from the bottom official correspondence. Mentions "al-majlis al-sāmī" as well as having issued an instruction to the amīr Sharaf al-Dīn the wālī regarding the …

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  42. 92

    State documentT-S Ar.34.182

    Two different letters in Arabic script, one on recto and on verso. The one on verso may be a petition. Needs examination for content.

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  43. 93

    State documentT-S Misc.36.174

    Original use: Small fragment from the bottom of a Fatimid decree. Dating: No later than 1077 CE.

    1. [       وليقـ]ـر بايديهم بعد العمل به بمقتضـ[ـاه] 

    2. [فليعلمه من امر أمير المؤمنين ورسمه وليعمل عليه وبحسبه] ان شا الله وكتب لثلث بقين من 

    3. [شهر ……

    1 Transcription

    • 1v
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  44. 94

    State documentJRL Gaster ar. 448

    Capitation tax receipt. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  45. 95

    State documentT-S H5.178

    Small fragment of a state document, likely a decree. Only two lines are preserved, written in very large letters with huge line spacing between them: …

    1. و[ا]كمل نعمته وافضل امنيته
    2. ]ـــافي ايامـ[]ا[

    1 Transcription


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  46. 96

    State documentT-S NS 71.64

    Fiscal register (compare BL OR 5566B.3 and the other shelfmarks cited there). Reused for Hebrew hoshaʿnot. Needs further examination.

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  47. 97

    State documentCUL Or.1080 J80

    Petition to a Fatimid dignitary regarding a theft of money. The archer Manṣūr b. Zakī al-Dawla (or: Rukn al-Dawla, which seems more likely given al-Maqrīzī's …


    1.                     المملوك 
    2.                     منصور بن زكى الدولة
    3.                      احد الرماة تحت ركابها
    4.                      السعيد
    5.   …


    1. The slave
    2. Manṣūr ibn Zakī al-Dawla,
    3. one of the archers under the commander of his
    4. auspicious horse guard.
    5. In the name of God, the merciful and…

    1 Transcription 1 Translation


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  48. 98

    State documentAIU XII.29

    State document, probably a decree, last three lines, written on the joyous occasion of ʿĪd al-Naḥr. Preserved lines read as "فاعلم هذا واعمل..وكتب في يوم …


    1. واعلم هذا واعمل بـ[ـه وليقرّ بأيديهم بعد ثبوته في ... بحيث يثبت مثله ان شاء الله تعالى]

    2. كتب في يوم عيد النحر السعيد [سنة …. ]

    3. [الحمد لله …

    1 Transcription


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  49. 99

    State documentMoss. VII,201.4

    State document, fragmentary decree, two lines, in Arabic script. One word probably reads as "al-dukkān". Reused for a letter in Judaeo-Arabic on verso. Needs examination.

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  50. 100

    State documentT-S AS 130.260

    Fragment from the top of a state document in Arabic script. There is a basmala, possibly a remnant of a tarjama at upper left, and …

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