Scholarship on Letter: T-S 12.832

Letter T-S 12.832
  1. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • Discussion
  2. Bibliographic citation
    J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation
  3. Bibliographic citation
    S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
    • Edition

T-S 12.832 recto

S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
  1. נעלם חצרה אלחבר אלגליל שצ
  2. אן וצלת אלכתב אלתי כתבת אלינא
  3. פימא יכצהא עלי יד אלשיך
  4. ברכאת אבן אסמאעיל אלבזאז נע
  5. והי תעלם מא גרי עלי אכיה
  6. נע הנהרג כאשר גזר הצדיק
  7. בכל דרכיו ותרך וראתה אכותה
  8. ודכר לי הדא אן כאן לאכיה אשיא
  9. ענד נאס ובינה ובינהם מעאמלאת
  10. פתגתהד גאיה אלאגתהאד פי
  11. אחצ<א>ר אלכצום וועטהם ותכויפהם
  12. מן אללה עז וגל עסי אן יקרוא
  13. במא לם תקם בה בינה ותתוסט
  14. בינהם עסי לו תכרג אלאמור
  15. צלחת פאן לם יגיבו אלכצום
  16. פכל מן אקר בשרכה יחלף שבועת
  17. השותפין וכל מן אתהם בשי ולם
  18. יקר בשרכה ולא קאמת עליה בינה
  19. בשי יסמע חרם ושלומך
  20. ירבה ויגדל
J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
  1. I wish to inform the esteemed haver, may God preserve him, 
  2. that the letters which he wrote to me 
  3. and what pertains to them have arrived by means of the elder 
  4. Barakāt b. lsmāʿil al-Bazzāz, may he rest in paradise. 
  5. They report what happened to his brother, 
  6. may he rest in paradise, who was killed, as the One who is righteous 
  7. in all His ways determined. (The deceased) left his brothers as his heirs. 
  8. (Barakāt) mentioned to me that his brother had left goods 
  9. with certain men with whom he had business dealings.
  10. Do your utmost to summon the litigants
  11. and to caution and intimidate them 
  12. in the name of God, may He be honored and extolled, so that they confess 
  13. in the absence of clear evidence. And mediate 
  14. among them; perhaps you can settle the issues 
  15. by compromise. If the litigants are unresponsive, 
  16. then any(one)of them who does own up to the partnership should swear 
  17. an oath of partners. And whoever equivocates and refuses to 
  18. acknowledge a partnership, in the absence of clear evidence against him, 
  19. should have a ban pronounced in his hearing.
  20. May his welfare increase!