Scholarship on Letter: T-S 12.832
Letter T-S 12.832- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, index cards.
- Location in source
- Relation to document
- Discussion
- Bibliographic citation
- J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
- Relation to document
- Digital Translation
- Bibliographic citation
- S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- Location in source
- 6F.2.1-- 12.302-832/T-S 12.832
- 6F.2.1-- 12.302-832/T-S 12.832
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Edition
Editor: Goitein, S. D.
Translator: Kraemer, J. (in English)
T-S 12.832 recto
S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
- נעלם חצרה אלחבר אלגליל שצ
- אן וצלת אלכתב אלתי כתבת אלינא
- פימא יכצהא עלי יד אלשיך
- ברכאת אבן אסמאעיל אלבזאז נע
- והי תעלם מא גרי עלי אכיה
- נע הנהרג כאשר גזר הצדיק
- בכל דרכיו ותרך וראתה אכותה
- ודכר לי הדא אן כאן לאכיה אשיא
- ענד נאס ובינה ובינהם מעאמלאת
- פתגתהד גאיה אלאגתהאד פי
- אחצ<א>ר אלכצום וועטהם ותכויפהם
- מן אללה עז וגל עסי אן יקרוא
- במא לם תקם בה בינה ותתוסט
- בינהם עסי לו תכרג אלאמור
- צלחת פאן לם יגיבו אלכצום
- פכל מן אקר בשרכה יחלף שבועת
- השותפין וכל מן אתהם בשי ולם
- יקר בשרכה ולא קאמת עליה בינה
- בשי יסמע חרם ושלומך
- ירבה ויגדל
J. Kraemer, "Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Geniza," in Maimonidean Studies (New York: Yeshiva University Press, 1992), 2:61-94.
- I wish to inform the esteemed haver, may God preserve him,
- that the letters which he wrote to me
- and what pertains to them have arrived by means of the elder
- Barakāt b. lsmāʿil al-Bazzāz, may he rest in paradise.
- They report what happened to his brother,
- may he rest in paradise, who was killed, as the One who is righteous
- in all His ways determined. (The deceased) left his brothers as his heirs.
- (Barakāt) mentioned to me that his brother had left goods
- with certain men with whom he had business dealings.
- Do your utmost to summon the litigants
- and to caution and intimidate them
- in the name of God, may He be honored and extolled, so that they confess
- in the absence of clear evidence. And mediate
- among them; perhaps you can settle the issues
- by compromise. If the litigants are unresponsive,
- then any(one)of them who does own up to the partnership should swear
- an oath of partners. And whoever equivocates and refuses to
- acknowledge a partnership, in the absence of clear evidence against him,
- should have a ban pronounced in his hearing.
- May his welfare increase!