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Fatimid state document, perhaps a petition (...min iḥsānik...). On verso, Hebrew literary text.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Verso (original use): Two lines of a large document in Arabic script containing praises for the ruler and gratitude for his protection (amn) and justice …
1 نسخ
Recto (secondary use): Official receipt of some sort relating to agricultural activities in a district whose name is difficult to read. Dated: 25 Dhū l-Ḥijja …
Recto: State document, in Arabic script. Probably late. An internal report of some kind in a very formal tone. The beginning of the document mentions …
Small fragment from the top of an official-looking document, with an ʿalāma at the top and reference to tax farming (ḍamān or ḍummān).
State document, in Arabic script. Most probably an internal correspondence. Mentions a Qāḍī Ḥammād b, ʿAlī and also Amīr al-Muʾminīn in l4. Reused for Hebrew …
Recto: Two lines in Arabic script, probably a petition to a Fatimid vizier "mawlāy al-wazīr al-ajall ṣafiyy amīr al-muʾminīn wa-khāliṣatuh." In Judaeo-Arabic, between the lines …
Fiscal receipt, in Arabic script. May contain a registration mark. Needs examination.
State document in Arabic script, maybe a decree. Mentions a few places in the upper Nile valley like the village of Būsh (near the Fayyūm), …
Document in Arabic script. Fiscal? Needs examination. Reused for Hebrew piyyuṭ, mentioning Ḥannuka.
State document in Arabic script. Uses the phrase khidmat mālik al-riqq (see Khan, ALAD, 345, 368, 434 for meaning and other examples); and see T-S …
Fragmentary document, with huge line spacing, probably state document, late. The only readable word is "irdab", referring to the measure of grain. The preceding word …
Bottom left fragment of a state document, probably, in Arabic script. Ḥamdala towards the end. Needs examination.
State document in Arabic script. Two lines, huge space between them. ...ḥukmahu wa-qālat lahu mā shi'ta... Reused for piyyutim.
Verso: Fragment of a state document, wide-line spacing. Mentions the arrival of a group "wa-waṣalat al-jamāʿa", and maybe barley "al-shaʿīr". Also mentions the beginning of …
Tax or other receipt, probably. Needs examination.
Official document (receipt?) of some kind. In Arabic script. Mentions wuṣūlāt/receipts and the sum still owed.
Fragment of official correspondence concerning the administration of Upper Egypt. The first four lines are mostly preserved. "It is necessary to write a noble letter …
Small fragment of an Arabic document. State-related? Verso contains accounts in Arabic script and unidentified text in Hebrew script.
Recto: Arabic prayer. Verso: State document? Colophon? Dated: Ramaḍān 520 AH = September/October 1126 CE. Refers to the caliph (amīr al-muʾminīn in l. 1) and …
Three fragments, of which one (with another one stuck to it) is part of a state memorandum, petition or decree containing the phrase al-imām al-Ḥāfiẓ …
Unidentified state document in Arabic script. Mentions names/honorifics such as al-Muʾayyad and al-Mukhliṣ several times, as well as Iftikhār al-Dawla and possibly Jawhar. Needs further …
Verso: One line from a state document: وليستيقظ... وىخدمه...
State document, Fatimid period. Petition to a vizier of Al-ʿĀḍid li-Dīn Allāh from a baker in Fusṭāṭ concerning a debt that he had incurred with …
The slave
Abū ʿAbdallāh, the baker from Fusṭāṭ.
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
The benedictions of God and his b...
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
Receipt (for tax?) for Abū l-Faḍl b. Ibrāhīm. There is a curious hexagonal medallion on the back that may say "al-Imām al-Ḥākim." Needs further examination.
Petition or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Mentions the passing away of someone's mother and someone sending the brother of their servant Abū Muḥammad to …
Official-looking account reporting revenue.
Tax receipt. From the archive of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb. Join: Alan Elbaum.
Letter or official document in Arabic. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information from CUDL.)
Decree to a lower official commanding him to retrieve bricks and everything belonging to the government from a certain location (a ruined mosque?); and from …
State correspondence with signs of being reused for a book binding. The beginnings of four lines are preserved: خدمته ان المملوك قد سير لك... مملوكه …
Small fragment of a state document addressing "[...] al-amīrī al-kabīrī al-ʿaḍudī al-naṣrī." It seems that only one line and a few words of another line …
State document in Arabic script. Dated: 1247 AH, which is 1831/32 CE.
Recto: Fatimid state document. Maybe a petition or report. In Arabic script. 5 lines are preserved. Refers to somebody who rejects benefaction (munākarat al-naʿīm) and …
Documentary/administrative record? One page (verso is blank) with a Hebrew-script header and 8 lines of Arabic in a jagged/coarse hand--maybe from a badly cut nib? …
Original use: official account (makhzūma) in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State-related account, on one of the four pages of the bifolio: muḥāsabat al-mawlā [……..] al-muʿāmal/il bi-l-dīwān al-maʿmūr…..Needs examination.
Small fragment of a state document, likely a decree. Only two lines are preserved, written in very large letters with huge line spacing between them: …
Beginning of a petition addressed to the Fatimid caliph al-Ẓāhir. Beginning lines only. On verso, there is literary text in Hebrew. For the formula "al-ḥaḍra …
Upper part of an official (tax?) receipt, with ʿalāʾim and registration notes.
Original use: State decree from the Fatimid chancery, written under al-Ḥākim, al-Ẓāhir or al-Mustanṣir to an official in Egypt regarding a dispute over irrigation canals …
their signatures validated it... fifty dīnārs... except for the amount of the officials ....
1 نسخ 2 ترجمتين 1 مناقشة
Recto: Official-looking receipt for a dyer (al-Ṣabbāgh) for the rent of his shop. Dated: Muḥarram 545 AH = April/May 1150 CE. On verso there is …
Likely a fiscal account. Needs examination.
Minute fragment of a state document referring to the caliph (al-Imām) al-M[ustanṣir?]. Nothing else is preserved.
Decree, probably. 3.5 words from the end of a line. Reused for writing exercises (including a Judaeo-Arabic jingle about Nebuchadnezzar destroying the temple).
Ikhshīdid fiscal document; see tag. The Hebrew reuse is the same hand as T-S NS 149.18 and possibly T-S AS 176.173. ASE
State receipt. Landscape layout. Begins "aʿṭā..." The payer is Mūsā b. Futūḥ, and it is for his capitation tax in Alexandria. Same cluster: T-S AS …
Fragment of a petition and/or report in Arabic script. Making a request concerning cash flow: "... fī nafaqātihā al-rātiba mā tadʿū... ilayhi bi-rasmihā ilā Dīwān …
State document, four fragmented lines in a chancery hand, later reused for Hebrew text. Starts with a basmala followed by a Quranic verse 'Naṣrun min …
Official-looking small receipt. ENA 3968.21 and ENA 3968.23 appear to be in the name of the same person (Ḥusayn b. [...]). Needs examination.