מכתב: T-S NS J384 + T-S AS 151.33

מכתב T-S NS J384 + T-S AS 151.33



Letter from Netanel b. Ḥalfon to Zakkay ha-Dayyan ha-Maskil Nezer ha-Maskilim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Probably the same sender as AIU V.B.48 (dated 1174 CE); this letter was written earlier, because his father was still alive when he wrote this letter. Netanel opens with praises for a great woman who departed. After she left, Musallam al-Muṭarriz (the embroiderer) had a wedding. A collection (ṣīniyya, lit. "tray") was arranged at the wedding and brought 30 dirhams. Since Netanel was not present the money was handed over to the "Pride of the Cantors" (al-Peʾer) who was supposed to deliver it to the addressee. (The sender himself is a cantor, since he asks for a piyyuṭ called Raḥmān to be sent with Musallam.) He goes on to report on the collections at two more weddings, that of Yosef b. MN[...] and that of Yosef Ibn Shahīda and the daughter of Munā b. Abū l-[...]. The letter ends rather abruptly just as he begins to say what happened when Abū l-Faraj al-Jazarī arrived. (Information in part from Goitein's index card and Goitein, Med Soc II, p. 499.) Join: Oded Zinger. ASE.

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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • T-S AS 151.33: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S NS J384: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.