מסמך משפטי: T-S Misc.24.137.2

מסמך משפטי T-S Misc.24.137.2


A leaf from the court register, with five different entries, all signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemu'el, all explicitly dated between Shevat and Iyyar 1410 Sel. (1099 CE). Verso: Lefthand side: bottom - continuation of the discussion on top (PGPID 40049) between Se'adya b. Yiṣḥaq and [Shelomo] ha-Kohen. Court session held on Monday 15th of Iyyar 1410 Sel. (9.5.1099), and the deed was signed the following Thursday 18th Iyyar. Signed by Yiṣḥaq b. Shemu'el, Avraham b. Shema'aya descendant of Shema'aya Gaon, and Nissim b. Nahray. An undated postscript adds further actions in the court.
