רשומה קשורה ל-מכתב: T-S 10J15.9

מכתב T-S 10J15.9
  1. ציטוט
    Mordechai Akiva Friedman, "Divorce Upon The Wife’s Demand as Reflected in Manuscripts from the Cairo Geniza,"The Jewish Law Annual 4 (n.p.: Brill, 1981), 103–126.
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation
  2. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • דיון
  3. ציטוט
    Oded Zinger, "כאשר זאת שאתי אינה אתי: נישואי מרחק בגניזת קהיר‎" (in Hebrew), Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry‎ 121 (Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi / יד יצחק בן-צבי, 2009), 7-66.
    Location in source
    • p. 20
    Relation to document
    • מהדורה
    • תרגום

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Mordechai Akiva Friedman, "Divorce Upon The Wife’s Demand as Reflected in Manuscripts from the Cairo Geniza," The Jewish Law Annual 4 (n.p.: Brill, 1981), 103–126.


  1. I inform you, master of the house, may God always give you happiness, strengthen your well-being,  

  2. cure your sorrows, destroy your enemies and those who are envious  of you, and bestow upon you in both worlds  

  3. your desire, how much I miss you and pray to  

  4. God that He reunite us for good and in health and grant you that  which will make you independent  

  5. of others. Do not ask what I went through on the journey, with riding on the beast. Wherever  

  6. I alighted, I was sick. Undoubtedly, your father was angry with me in the middle of al-Maṣāṣa.

  7.  Not everything that was said need be repeated. Do not ask what I went through with the wife of  

  8. your father. The elder Abu l-Sur[ūr] was exceptionally kind. All of them  

  9.  do good with me. May God have mercy on all who do His deeds. My people spoke of my brother's advice,

  10.  "Divorce him, and I will provide whatever you need." Now were I to divorce you ...  


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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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