מכתב: T-S 10J10.4
מכתב T-S 10J10.4תגים
Letter from Shemuʾel b. Yaʿaqov b. Shemuʾel to his teacher Avraham b. Ḥaggay. In Hebrew. With greetings for the high holidays and a request for a gift. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index card.)
Translation: Cohen, Mark (in English)
T-S 10J10.4 1r
Mark Cohen, The Voice of the Poor in the Middle Ages (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005).Recto
- In the name of the Merciful
- "The righteous man holds his way, he whose hands are clean, etc." (Job 17:9).
- I send peace, peace / to the man of peace / from the Lord of peace, / "peace, peace"/[...]
- his face in his cloak and reveal them. / Behold I dreamt a dream, / (his) ho(nor),
- gr(eatness and) ho(liness our) ma(ster) and t(eacher) Abraham the precious elder, the wise and the discerning,
- who fears heaven and loves Torah and those who study it, whose gift to all is great
- whether in secret [or in p]ublic, may he be blessed by Him abundantly, son of (his) ho(nor), gr(eatness and)
- ho(liness our) ma(ster) and t(eacher) Ḥaggai (who) r(ests) in the G(arden of Eden).I inform my lord the precious elder that I am
- among those who remember your deeds and I yearn for your benefactions. Since I
- arrived here I have d[e]sired to see my lord the elder and I always
- pray for you. I came here out of great [need].
- The benefactions of my lord the elder are w[ell known] to all who t[urn]
- to you, in keeping with your congenial habit. Since I arr[ived here I have not asked]
- a thing from anyone. If you now would d[o me a kindness …]
- grant me something with which to sustain myself [...]
- even a small coin [...]
- may the Omnipresen(t), b(lessed be) H(e) [...]
Recto, margin
give you the good tidings of absolution and forgiveness [and consider] whatever you do on my behalf as if it were a complete offering upo[n] the altar. May you merit "to see the goodness of God and to visit his sanctuary" (Psalm 27:4). If I did not know about your habit and kindnes[s and] goodness I would not be bothering you. I have nothing of the sereneness of our forefather[s], and I have no means of sustenance. May the h(oly one) b(lessed be) H(e) grant that you be favored by all those who see you, [and] the outcome be your welfare. Your student Samuel b. Jacob the Rav b. Samuel the Rav (who) r(ests in) E(den).