רשומה קשורה ל-מכתב: T-S NS J5 + T-S 13J7.13 + T-S K25.252

מכתב T-S NS J5 + T-S 13J7.13 + T-S K25.252
  1. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein, index cards.
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • דיון
  2. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India Book 2: Madmun, nagid of Yemen, and the India trade: Cairo Geniza documents‎ (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2010).
    Location in source
    Relation to document
    • Digital Edition
    • מהדורה
    • תרגום
  3. ציטוט
    S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), vol. 1.
    Relation to document
    • Digital Translation

T-S NS J5 1r

S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India Book 2: Madmun, nagid of Yemen, and the India trade: Cairo Geniza documents‎ (in Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2010).

T-S NS J5 recto (IB II, 17)

  1. וצל כתאב אלשיך אלאגל מולאי אדאם אללה
  2. סלאמתה וחרס מדתה וכבת חסדתה פכאן
  3. אסר כתאב ואבהג כטאב וסרני עלם סלאמתה
  4. וצלאח חאלתה וסאלת אללה אלמזיד לה מן כל כיר
  5. ברחמתה ואנתהית אלי מא דכרה פי כתאבה
  6. אלעזיז מן אנפאדה פי מרכב אלנאכדא
  7. ראמשת מן אלפלפל אתני עשר בהאר באלצגיר
  8. וקד וצל דלך וצאר עבדה אלי קבצה ינחט
S. D. Goitein and Mordechai Akiva Friedman, India traders of the middle ages : documents from the Cairo Geniza : India book (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008), vol. 1.

recto (IB II, 17)

  1. The letter of my lord, the most illustrious elder, has arrived—may God make permanent 
  2. your well-being, may He guard your life and humble those who envy you! It was
  3. a most gladdening letter and a most delightful message. I was happy to learn of your well-being
  4. and your prosperous circumstances, and I have entreated God (to grant you) more of every good thing,
  5. in His mercy. I noted that you mentioned in your esteemed letter
  6. that you had sent some pepper in the ship of the nākhudā 
  7. Rāmisht—twelve bahārs of small measure.
  8. This has arrived and (I) your servant went to collect it. From this is to be deducted

T-S 13J7.13 1r


T-S K25.252 1r


T-S K25.252 1v


T-S NS J5 1v


T-S NS J5 verso, Hebrew address (IB II, 17)

  1. אלשיך אלאגל מולאי אברהם          עבדה מצמון
  2. בן ישו חרס אללה נעמתה              בן אלחסן בן בנדאר

T-S NS J5 verso, Arabic address (IB II, 17)

  1. الشيخ الأجل مولاى ابراهيم بن          عبده
  2. ايشو الاسرائيلي حرس ﷲ نعمته        مضمون بن الحسن بن بندار

verso, Hebrew address (IB II, 17)

  1. (To) The most illustrious elder, my lord Abraham
  2. Ben Yishū—May God preserve your well-being!
  3. (From) Your servant Maḍmūn
  4. b. al-Ḥasan b. Bundār.

T-S 13J7.13 1v

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • T-S 13J7.13: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S K25.252: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S NS J5: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.