מסמך שלטוני: T-S AS 149.91
מסמך שלטוני T-S AS 149.91What's in the PGP
- תמונה
Probably a petition in Arabic script. The addressee is a dignitary (referred to with the honorific 'khāliṣat amīr al-muʾminīn'). The petition has something to do with equipment for transporting bricks (ḥaml al-ṭūb) and other construction equipment (ālāt al-ʿimāra). Dating: late Ayyubid or Mamluk. YU. In between the lines, the paper was reused for several names in Hebrew script: "I am Yeḥiel b. Elyaqim, I am Eliyya (misspelled אילה) b. Zekharya, I am Ḥananʾel b. Shemuel." In the margin: Yiftaḥ b. Yehuda. Dating: First third of the 13th century. (Information in part from CUDL.)
T-S AS 149.91 1r

T-S AS 149.91 1v