מסמך משפטי: T-S NS 320.141
מסמך משפטי T-S NS 320.141תיאור
Recto: Legal document. Location: Fustat. Dated: Sunday, 17 [...] 1359 Seleucid, which is 1047/48 CE. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Certifying that [...] b. Khalaf ha-Levi has paid a portion of the early marriage payment to Dalāl bt. Faraj, and that he will come to Fustat and marry her before Purim of the coming year, and if not he will give her a bill of divorce. Mentions the cantor Ḥusayn b. [...] and the parnas Yaʿīsh ha-Kohen. Written and signed by Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. Also signed by [...] b. Avraham. (Information from Goitein's index card #11876.)
Translation: גיל, משה (in English)
T-S NS 320.141 1r
משה גיל, Documents of the Jewish Pious Foundations from the Cairo Geniza (Leiden: Brill, 1976).Recto
…for two days, 4 dir.
…. from him, originally
.... and other (things), 6 dir.
…. and (she) opened a shop, they are known
…. owed to the carpenter, 4 1⁄2 dir.
........ and a carpenter, 1 1/4 dir. Spent at
.... as detailed further, 9
…. 34 dir. and the meals
…. 14 1⁄2 dir. Paid for water
…. ½ + 1/4. Paid for red and white gypsum
.... Kohen, of the sum he collected, 17 dir.
.... dinar less 2 qīrāts. I collected from Abū Yūsuf a sum
…. 31 3⁄4 dir., handed over to al-Shaykh
. may God preserve His Honor, to pay off those who were his colleagues at the time of
.... dinars which he gave from his money to the synagogue, may God perpetuate
.... to the Raʾs al-kull, may God support him. The total is
.... together with the acquittal of the said debt, in gold, 4
.... 669 dir.
…. (the year [4]34, ending on the month of Rabīʿ al-ākhir of the year [4]35
…. regarding the said staircase, which is to
.... rubāʿīs. Of it, from the daughter of Sulaym, 2 rubāʿīs
.... and in waraq 40 dir. from others
.... to deduct of it: The sums paid for stones and for
…. the wages of the sawyers for 260 threads
.... and 3⁄4.
…. the Synagogue of the Palestinians in Fustat and its needs
…. (Jumādā) al-ʾūlā of the year [4]35
…. 433
.... 14 dir. Paid for small candlesticks
.... 2 dir. Paid for 5 chains
.... the guardian of the Estate for Purim, 5 dir.
.... by Isaac al-Ṣaghīr, 7 dir.
.... the synagogue for Pesaḥ by b. al-Zamin
(the guardian of) the Estate for Pesaḥ, 5 dir. The balance
at the time of the opening of the synagogue, 7 dir. Given by
.... Pesaḥ, 5 dir. Transported by the sister of Sahlan
…. Waḥīsh, at the time of the transportation, 3/4. Paid to b.
oakum, water, lime, 2 1⁄2 dir. Paid to him ....