מסמך משפטי: T-S Misc.22.285
מסמך משפטי T-S Misc.22.285What's in the PGP
- תמונה
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Testimony concerning the death of a man and his son. Dated: 5 Shawwāl 427/1 August 1036. The witnesses attest that Ṣadaqa b. ʿAllūn Ibn al-Dabbāb has died in Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān after the death of his son Bū Faraj in the town of al-Lādhiqiyya (Latakia) and that his sole heir is his daughter Yamānī, the wife of Mawhūb b. Bashshār. Witnesses: Salāma b. Isḥāq; ʿAlī b. Ḥusayn; Yūsuf b. Menashshe; Barakāt b. Menaḥem b. Mubārak. Three of the signatures have צח ("valid") in Hebrew script above them. As the witnesses are Jews, this would not have been regarded as a valid legal instrument in a Muslim court. (Information from Khan.)
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Misc.22.285 1v

- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
- شهد الشهود المسمون في هذا الكتاب كلهم يعرفون صدقة بن علون ابن الدباب
- الاسراىيلي معرفة صحيحة لا يسلون فيها ولا يتطلبون شي منـ[ـها] ان صدقة بن علون المعروف
- بابن الدباب توفى بمعرة النعمان بعد وفاة ولده بن فرج بمدينة الادقية وانه لم
- يخلف من يستحق وراثة غير ابنته يمان زوجة موهوب بن بشار وبذلك وضعوا
- شهاداتهم في صحة منهم وجواز امر من اليوم الخامس من شوال سنة سبع وعشرين واربع ماىة
Witness 1
- شهد سلامة بن اسحق بما عرفه
- من وفات المذكورين واستحقاق
- الوارث المذكور فيه للورثة وكتب
- بيده في تاريخه
Witness 2
- צח
- شهد علي بن حسين بما عرفه من وفات المذكورين بجميع ما تضمنه هذا الكتاب
- وكتب بخطه في تاريخه
Witness 3
- سح
- شهد يوسف بن منشا بما
- يتضمنه هذا الكتاب وكتب بيده بتاريخه
Witness 4
- צח
- شهد بركات بن مناحم بن مبارك بما عرفه صح
- [من وفات المذكورين]
In the name of God, the merciful and compassionate.
The witnesses named in this document, all of them knowing Ṣadaqa ibn ʿAlūn ibn al-Dabbāb,
the Jew, with a legally valid knowledge, not having need to ask about him or inquire concerning anything relating to him, testified that Ṣadaqa ibn ʿAlūn, known
as ibn al-Dabbāb, has died in Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān after the death of his son Bū Faraj in the town of Latakia and that he has not
left anyone having rights to his inheritance except his daughter Yamānī, the wife of Mawhūb ibn Bashār. They attached thereto
their testimonies, while being in sound health and their actions being legal, on the fifth of Shawwāl of the year four-hundred and twenty-seven.
Witness Clauses
Salāma ibn Isḥāq testified to his knowledge
of the death of the two people mentioned herein, and to the right
of the heir mentioned herein to the inheritance. He wrote
with his hand on its date.
ʿAli ibn Ḥusayn testified to his knowledge of the death of the two people mentioned herein and to everything that this document contains.
He wrote with his hand on its date. Valid.
Yūsuf ibn Menashe testified to what
this documnent contains. He wrote with his hand on its date. Valid.
Barakāt ibn Menāḥem ibn Mubārak testified to his knowledge
[of the death of the two people mentioned herein ]
T-S Misc.22.285 1r