מכתב: Moss. IIIa,9 + T-S AS 212.54 + T-S AS 212.55 + T-S AS 214.40
מכתב Moss. IIIa,9 + T-S AS 212.54 + T-S AS 212.55 + T-S AS 214.40תגים
Letter from Yiṣḥaq b. Yeḥiel. Dated: Friday, 23 Ḥeshvan 5310 AM, which is 1549 CE. In Hebrew, with phrases in Yiddish and many words in Judaeo-Italian. The sender rebukes the addressee for various lapses in business correspondence, including for sending partial documents and writing in terms of the currency "perahim" instead of "gerushim." This letter mentions Avraham Kolon (the sender of ENA 2727.45, Moss. IV,93, and HUC 1034). See also T-S Ar.30.232 + T-S NS 83.19, an account register by Yiṣḥaq b. Yeḥiel from later in the year 5310 AM (spring of 1550 CE). And see Avraham David's transcription and extensive notes on FGP.