מכתב: Moss. Ia,11

מכתב Moss. Ia,11



A letter in stylishly rhyming Judaeo-Arabic addressed to Abu Sahl and his three sons, Abu l-Mansur, Barakat, and the boy Abu l-Fadl. The writer is likely named Abu Zikri (see line 12 of verso), which, along with the handwriting and elevated register, suggests that this is the well-known son of Eliyyahu the Judge. Abu Sahl appears to be his father-in-law, since the writer opens with a detailed update about his wife. Recto 1-5: Greetings to the above mentioned. Recto 5-12: Extended greetings to Shaykh Abu l-Hajjaj Yusuf. Recto 12-24:The writer, his young daughter, and his wife yearn for his mother-in-law, who seems to have visited recently and assisted with childcare. Everyone in the house is also helping his wife, who is in the state that God knows (often a figure of speech for illness). His daughter is starting to recognize everyone in the house, including visitors, and also serves her mother. Recto 22 – Verso 30: Following these pleasant updates, the remainder of the letter is a blistering tirade against Barakat who affects intelligence but whose brain produces only "mucus, delirium, and madness [al-mukhāṭ wa-l-hadhayān wa-l-khubāṭ].” The dispute that led to Barakat’s recent imprudent letter (“ravings long, wide, and thick emerging from a mind that is sick [hadhayān kathīr ṭawīl 'arīḍ ṣadar 'an dhihn marīḍ]") is detailed in lines 5-15 of verso. It had to do with financial arrangements for the trousseau and rent of Barakat’s cousin, the daughter of his maternal aunt. Verso 32-end: Closing greetings. ASE.

Moss. Ia,11 1r




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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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