רשימה או טבלה: T-S Ar.34.219

רשימה או טבלה T-S Ar.34.219


Accounts of some sort in Arabic script, some Hebrew script, and Greek/Coptic numerals. Lists dozens of names, including "my brother Yūsuf," "the brother of Abū l-Ḥasan," Sitt Nasrīn(?), Abū ʿAlī b. al-Qābila ("son of the midwife"), Abū Saʿd b. al-[...]..., Abū l-Faraj "our neighbor," Fakhr al_Dawla, R. David (in Hebrew script), Hiba b. Mufaḍḍal..., Abū Manṣūr b. Nuʿmān, Abū l-Faḍl the brother-in-law of Fakhr al-Dawla..., Manṣūr b. Baqā', Waliyy al-Dawla, Abū l-Faraj b. al-Shāmī b. Abū l-Khayr al-Kaʿkī, al-Mashmiaʿ (a Hebrew title/name written in Arabic script), Hiba, R. Peraḥya (in Hebrew script), Abū l-ʿIzz...