מסמך שלטוני: T-S Ar.39.391
מסמך שלטוני T-S Ar.39.391What's in the PGP
- תמונה
- 1 Transcription
- 1 Translation
Petition to the Fatimid vizier Al-ʿAbbās requesting an allowance in grain to be paid to the petitioner in yearly installments. Dating: 548–49/1153–54. (Information from CUDL.) The dating is based on the identification of the vizier in question with Abū l-Faḍl al-ʿAbbās Ibn Abī l-Futūḥ.
Editor: Khan, Geoffrey
Translator: Khan, Geoffrey (in English)
T-S Ar.39.391 1r
الافضلى السيفى الناصرى ا[لــ]ـكافل لقضاة المسلميـ[ـن الهادى]
لدعاة المومنين عضد الله به الدين وامتع بطول بـ[ـقائه امير المومنين]
وادام قد[رته] واعلا كلمته المملوك يقبل الارض ويسل
فى اجرائه [عـ]ـلى مسامحته فى الغلة المطلـ[ـقة] له في كل سنة انعاما عليه
واحسانا اليه
وللمجلس العالى فضل السمو و[القدرة فى] ذلك
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل الحمد لله وحده وصلواته على سيدنا محمد وسلم
al-Afḍal, sword of Islam, the defender, the protector of the judges of the Muslims [and the guide]
of the dāʿīs of the believers, may God fortify the religion through him, give joy to the [commander of the faithful] by his longevity,
cause his power to endure and exalt his word. The slave kisses the ground and requests
his indulgence to institute for him a corn allowance that is paid to him every year, as a kindness and
benefaction to him.
To the exalted seat belongs the lofty distinction and the power regarding that.
Our sufficiency is God. What an excellent keeper is he! Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon our lord Muḥammad and save him.