מסמך שלטוני: Moss. II,101.2

מסמך שלטוני Moss. II,101.2

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  • תמונה
  • 1 Transcription
  • 1 Translation


Verso: State correspondence, petition or report, probably Fatimid, in Arabic script. The sender informs that he has appointed an appropriate person for the job, using an Arabic proverb: "اعطوا القوس باريها", literally meaning give a bow to the best archer. After reporting or suggesting, the sender defers to the command of the addressee with the standard petition closing ray formula.



Moss. II,101.2 1v

Yusuf Umrethwala, Unpublished editions‎ (in Arabic) (n.p., 2025).


  1. من انني قد اعطيت القوس متاملة لهذا الامر باريها
  2. من] الامور احسن ضاربها ولحضرة مولاي السيد الجليل
  3. [الراي الاعلى في ذلك ان شا الله]
Yusuf Umrethwala, Unpublished translations (n.p., 2025).
  1. That I have verily given the bow after great consideration of this affair to its master
  2. and] the most appropriate candidate. And to my master, the illustrious elder
  3. [belongs the resolution regarding this if God wills]

Moss. II,101.2 1r

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • Moss. II,101.2: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.