מסמך שלטוני: ENA 3968.12
מסמך שלטוני ENA 3968.12What's in the PGP
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Recto: Small fragment (2 lines) from an official report. Needs examination for content. Verso: The report was torn and reused for an order of a half-ounce of saffron (worth 1 dinar?) from ʿArīf al-ʿAṭṭār (or possibly: "the ʿarīf/head of the ʿaṭṭārīn"). Signed: al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ = Ṭalāʾiʿ b. Ruzzīk (the Fatimid vizier, 1154–61). Written on Monday, the 16th of Jumādā II. The signature and date are written in a different hand than the main text. (Information in part from محمد على ابو حمزة, Marina Rustow, Boris Liebrenz, and Tamer el-Leithy.) ASE
ENA 3968.12 recto

ENA 3968.12 verso