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11 total results

  1. 1

    Legal documentT-S AS 145.375

    Legal document. Tiny fragment. Apparently dealing with the marriage of a freedwoman (meshuḥrarta kalta).

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  2. 2

    Legal documentT-S AS 94.360

    Very damaged, small fragment from a legal deed regrading marriage of a freed slave girl. Few words from her dowry list are preserved.

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  3. 3

    Legal documentT-S 8.93

    Fragment from the bottom of a legal deed, written in large characters in very shaky handwriting. Refers to a freedwoman (השפחה המשוחררת). One witness signature …

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  4. 4

    Legal documentT-S 16.105

    Ketubba, beautifully written. Location: Fustat. Dated: Friday, 13 Nisan 129[7] Seleucid = March 986 CE. Bride: Muʿtazz, the freedwoman of Moshe b. Palṭiel. Groom: Bushayr/Bashīr …

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  5. 5

    Legal documentT-S Ar.20.2

    Divorce document in Arabic script. Wife: ʿAzīza the freedwoman (mawlāt) of ʿAlī b. Muḥammad b. ʿAllān. Husband: Ismāʿīl b. [...] al-Iskandarānī. Dated: 20 Jumādā I …

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  6. 6

    Legal documentT-S NS 224.53

    Small fragment from a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi (active 1100–38 CE) involving a freed female slave named Ikhtiṣār. Cf. T-S NS …

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  7. 7

    Legal documentT-S 12.8 + T-S 10J4.9

    Legal document, in which Sitt al-Rūm, a former slave who had been freed by her master Abū ʿ[...] before his death, appears in person before …

    1. זכרון עדות שהיתה בפנינו אנו העדים החתומים מטה באחד ב[שבת . . . . . . .
    2. יום לירח ניסן שנת ארבעת אלפים ושמ[ונה מא]ות ושלשים שנה [
    3. למנין שאנו רגילין למ…

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  8. 8

    Legal documentT-S NS J152 + T-S NS J110

    Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. "A litigation concerning an inheritance. Two partners were operating a store and upon the death of …

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  9. 9

    Legal documentT-S 12.872

    Deed of manumission (geṭ shiḥrur) for a female slave. Location: Fustat. Dated: 13 Tishrei 1510 Seleucid = 15 October 1198 CE. Theoretically the date could …


    1.       בתלתא בשבה דהוא תלת עשר יומי

    2.       לירח תשרי שנת אלפא וחמש מאה ועש[ר]

    3.       שנין לשטרות בפסטאט מצרים דעל

    4.       נילוס נהרא מו…

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  10. 10

    Legal documentT-S AS 214.37

    Outline of a marriage document and/or dowry evaluation (taqwīm). Groom: Levi b. אמר(?). Bride: Ittifāq, a freedwoman. Marriage payments: 1+ 10. The dowry follows; the …

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  11. 11

    List or tableT-S NS 324.132

    Pages (a) through (c): Distribution list for clothing (al-kiswa). Dated: Ṭevet 1488 Seleucid, which began on 5 December 1176 CE. The last but one numeral …

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