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  1. 251

    Legal documentBodl. MS heb. d 65/29

    Marriage contract (ketubba). Lower right corner. Signed by Shelomo b. Yehuda ha-Kohen and Ḥalfon b. Shelomo ha-Levi.

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  2. 252

    Legal documentT-S 16.206

    Fragment of a marriage contract from Fustat, written in the same hand as T-S 13J12.18. Dated ca 1337. (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, pp. 386, …

    1. ]נו נגיד [
    2. ]. .ע. . מימ[. . . . . . . .]הק הפטיש הח[זק
    3. ]לם כירח יכון עולם כן הוה איך כגק מרנ[ו
    4. ] הנדיב הזקן הנכבד תפארת הזקנים עטרת [
    5. ] אמר לה לכלה …

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  3. 253

    Legal documentT-S 18J1.14

    Digest of a marriage contract. Location: Fustat. Dated: 14 Elul 1405 Seleucid, which is August 1094 CE. Groom: Yakhin the cantor. Bride: Sitt al-Kull, a …

    1. בשמ רחמ
    2. בשעה מעולה ועונה מהוללה ושמחה וצהלה וחדוה וגילה ומילוי כל
    3. שאלה לחתן ולכלה ולכל הקהילה יכנו ויצליחו כרבנו ויצליחו בארבעה
    4. בשבה דהו ארבסר יומי …

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  4. 254

    Legal documentT-S 16.211

    Marriage contract (ketubba), Palestinian-style. Bride: Dalāl bt. Yefet. The groom's name is lost. Location: Tinnīs, Egypt. Dating: probably 1085 or 985 CE.

    1. [... באלה]י כי הלבישני בגדי ישע
    2. [...] פאר וככלה תעדה כיליה
    3. [... ות]הלה: החתן יתברך ברכת
    4. [... ש]מחה: וששון: ומלוי משאלה
    5. [...] מבעלה כלקנה וברכה כפולה…

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  5. 255

    Legal documentT-S 8.94

    Small fragment from the end of a ketubba, referring to the bride’s immersion (טבילה). Ca. 13th century. (Information from CUDL)

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  6. 256

    Legal documentT-S 16.108

    Recto: part of a ketubba for [...] bat Yeshuʿa and [...] b. Shelomo. Date not preserved. Mentions Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen b. ʿA[…]. Witnesses are [Ḥal]fon ha-Levi …

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  7. 257

    Legal documentT-S 12.715 + Bodl. MS heb. a 3/34

    Marriage contract (ketubba), Qaraite. Bride: Sara bt. Sahl. Groom: Avraham b. Yaʿaqov. Signed by Saʿīd b. Naḥum ha-Kohen and Yosef ha-Melammed. Dating: 1089–1187 CE. Location: …

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  8. 258

    Legal documentT-S 12.465

    Marriage contract written by the court clerk Mevorakh b. Natan (dated documents ca. 1150-1180) mentioning a brocade sadr with two 'sidepieces,' and preserving the groom's …

    1. מע[
    2. דינאר מרתבה [
    3. צדר דיבאג ומגנבין דיבא[ר
    4. חמשה דינארי חקה לטיפה ומבכרה ומ[
    5. תלתה דנאניר מקדמה וכרסי תרי דינארי והאוי כלל כתובת[
    6. יחיי הלוי חתנא דנן א…

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  9. 259

    Legal documentT-S K5.96

    The end of a ketubba with a dowry list, referring to either Natan or Yonatan (or simply החתן). The list has been reused for writing …

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  10. 260

    Legal documentYevr. II A 1408

    Ketubbas or copies of ketubbas, Qaraite. There seem to be two different fragmentary documents, preserved on separate pages of a codex or ledger. Some of …

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  11. 261

    Legal documentYevr. II A 1403

    Ketubba formulary. Dating: Unknown. Catalogued as 15th–17th century.

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  12. 262

    Legal documentYevr. II A 1404

    Ketubba formulary or draft. Sample date: Shevat [1]971 Seleucid, which is 1660 CE. Sample groom: Naḥum ha-Kohen.

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  13. 263

    Legal documentYevr. II K 29

    Marriage contract, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Wednesday, 24 Shevat 549[2] AM = 2043 Seleucid, which is 1732 CE. Groom: Shelomo b. Aharon b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. …

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  14. 264

    Legal documentYevr. II K 30

    Marriage contract, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sivan 5500 AM = 2051 Seleucid, which is 1740 CE. Groom: Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo b. Yiṣḥaq. Bride: Raḥel bt. …

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  15. 265

    Legal documentYevr. II K 76

    Marriage contract. Location: Calcutta, India ('on the river Ganga' (=Hooghly)). Dated: Sunday, 12 Adar II 5611 AM, which is 1851 CE. Groom: Yeḥezqel b. ʿEzra …

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  16. 266

    Legal documentYevr. III B 460

    Marriage contract (ketubba). Groom: Yaʿaqov b. Natan. Bride: Durra bt. Nisan. Dated: Monday, 5 Nisan 1376 Seleucid = 14 March, 1065 CE. The bride is …

    1. בשעתא טבתא בסימנא מעליא יבנו ויצליחו
    2. בתרי בשבה בירח ניסן בחמשה יומין בו שנת אלפא ותלת מאה ושבעין ושית שנין למנ[ינא דאנו רגילין למנות בו
    3. בפסטאט מצרים…

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  17. 267

    Legal documentYevr. III B 637

    Marriage contract for the same couple as in Antonin 637r. Begins with a clause concerning the appointment of the bride's agent, concludes with the last …

    1. בכל מה דהוא עבד ב[עסקה ...]
    2. עלוי הדין מבורך בר יפת [ ]עלוי עשרה [דינ]רין מד[ינרי]
    3. המלכות לית ליה רשות למתב[וע מנהון פרוטה חדא כל זמן דהוא חיי] והיא …

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  18. 268

    Legal documentT-S NS 325.56c

    Palestinian-style marriage contract. Late tenth or early eleventh century. VMR

    TS NS Box 325, f. 56c(1), ed. Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, p. 367(Doc. #47), N.T. 03-22-89 (p)A Palimpsest

    1. [...] ית בעליהון בדכיו ובנקיו כדת ב…

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  19. 269

    Legal documentT-S NS 292.1

    Beginning of the ketubah of Avraham b. Yosef and Husn. Some of the dowry list is preserved. AA

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  20. 270

    Legal documentT-S AS 152.124

    Formula of a Karaite ketubah. AA

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  21. 271

    Legal documentT-S 8.175

    Part of the beginning of a ketubba, dated 13[..] (10th-11th century CE) in Fusṭāṭ. (Information from CUDL)

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  22. 272

    Legal documentT-S 8.117

    Part of a ketubba for Shelomo (groom), in the hand of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya (1014-57 CE). (Information from CUDL)

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  23. 273

    Legal documentT-S 8.119

    End of a ketubba for the bride [...] bat Hillel ha-Levi. Witnessed by Judah ha-Kohen b. Yefet, Ṣedaqa b. Baqā, Hārūn b. Judah, Aaron [...] …

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  24. 274

    Legal documentT-S 8.100

    Part of a ketubba for Abū l-Munā Ṭiqva b. Berakhot (groom), who is remarrying his divorcee. Dated 14[..] (12th century CE) in Fusṭāṭ, invoking the …

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  25. 275

    Legal documentT-S 8.103

    Part of a ketubba for Sitt al-Ḥasab (bride). Most of the text is too badly faded to read. (Information from CUDL)

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  26. 276

    Legal documentT-S 8.114

    Part of a ketubba with no details preserved. (Information from CUDL)

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  27. 277

    Legal documentT-S 8.125

    Part of a ketubba for [...] bat Meshullam (bride). Witnessed by Ṣedaqa b. Ṣemaḥ. (Information from CUDL)

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  28. 278

    Legal documentT-S 8.126

    Part of a ketubba, mostly illegible. (Information from CUDL)

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  29. 279

    Legal documentT-S 8.134

    Part of a ketubba for Nathan ha-Levi (groom), referring to the dowry. (Information from CUDL)

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  30. 280

    Legal documentT-S 8.135

    Recto: lower part of a ketubba. Verso: writing exercises of biblical verses in various hands. (Information from CUDL)

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  31. 281

    Legal documentT-S 8.140

    The end of a ketubba, witnessed by [...]ya b. Aaron, Peraḥya ha-Me[lammed] and Isaac b. [...]. In the hand of Hillel b. ʿEli (1066-1108 CE). …

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  32. 282

    Legal documentT-S 8.136

    Small scrap of parchment containing the closing line of a marriage contract and its signatures. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 374) EMS

    1. [... וי]צליח[ו] א[קוליתוס]


    1. [...]ב הכהן עד ננ סהל בר רבוי עד [...]
    2. [... ב]ן רגא ננ עד עלי בן צלח עד [...]
    3. [...]ל הלוי ננ ע…

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  33. 283

    Legal documentT-S 8.156

    Part of a ketubba for Sitt al-Yumn. Known handwriting. (Information from CUDL)

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  34. 284

    Legal documentT-S 8.151

    Part of a ketubba for Yeshuʿa (groom). (Information from CUDL)

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  35. 285

    Legal documentT-S 8.157

    Part of a ketubba, referring to various sums in dinars. (Information from CUDL)

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  36. 286

    Legal documentT-S 8.158

    Probably a Karaite ketubba (since the legible text is in Hebrew). Sums are given in darkemon (עשרים דרכמון וחצי). (Information from CUDL)

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  37. 287

    Legal documentT-S 8.169

    End of a ketubba with very little text preserved, signed by the scribe, Hillel b. ʿEli (1066-1108 CE). (Information from CUDL)

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  38. 288

    Legal documentT-S 8.214

    Part of a ketubba for Judah ha-Levi (groom), witnessed by Saʿadya b. Shemarya and Hillel b. Joseph. (Information from CUDL)

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  39. 289

    Legal documentT-S 8.215

    Part of a ketubba mentioning the sum of 100 dinars. (Information from CUDL)

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  40. 290

    Legal documentT-S 8.218

    Part of a ketubba from Egypt with no names preserved. (Information from CUDL)

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  41. 291

    Legal documentT-S 8.253 + T-S 12.600

    Part of a ketubba. The surviving text contains part of the dowry list. (Information from CUDL.) See T-S 12.600, a probable join

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  42. 292

    Legal documentT-S 8.222

    Part of a ketubba for Yefet b. Joseph (groom). (Information from CUDL)

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  43. 293

    Legal documentT-S 8.227

    Part of a ketubba for [ ]שתדו (Sitt [...]) (bride). Only a few words are preserved. (Information from CUDL)

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  44. 294

    Legal documentT-S 8.238

    Part of a ketubba. No names are preserved. (Information from CUDL)

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  45. 295

    Legal documentT-S 8.98

    Part of a ketubba, with no details preserved. Ca. beginning of the 13th century. (Information from CUDL)

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  46. 296

    Legal documentT-S 8.87

    Part of a ketubba, with only a few words preserved. Part of the shemaʿ has been written between the lines in faded ink and a …

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  47. 297

    Legal documentT-S 8.91

    Part of a ketubba, with no names or date preserved. Between the lines, a different hand has practiced writing the Hebrew alphabet. Verso: part of …

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  48. 298

    Legal documentT-S 8.95

    Part of a ketubba, written under the authority of Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen (1127-1139 CE), in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Manassah (1100-1138 CE). (Information from CUDL)

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  49. 299

    Legal documentT-S 8.96

    Part of a ketubba, for Shemarya ha-Kohen (groom) and Sitt al-Bayt (bride). (Information from CUDL)

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  50. 300

    Legal documentMoss. V,379

    Bottom part of a ketubba. Groom: Wuḥaysh b. ʿEli. Bride: Khibara(?) bt. Yosef. Written by Yefet b. David the Cantor. Signed by Yefet b. Mansur, …

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