Primary language
- Arabic
Dating: 1101–21 CE, based on the invocation of the caliph al-Āmir (r. 1101–30) and the vizier al-Afḍal (r. 1094–1121) (verso, ll. 6–8). Verso is an iqrār (acknowledgment) made by Ibrāhīm b. Sulaymān, ʿAlī b.
Recto is a set of first-person testimonies stating that "I attended the aforementioned audit/investigation/survey (kashf)" and that everything "in it" is accurate and that the iqrār of the ḍumanāʾ (referring to the document on verso?)
حضرت الكشف المذكور والامر على ما ذكر ووصف فيه
وشهدت على اقرار الضمنا المذكورين [فيه بما يضمنه] هذا
العمل بالموجود المذكور وكتب يحيى بن اس…
- I was present at the aforementioned inquest, and the matter is as mentioned and described herein.
- I testify that the guarantors mentioned [in …
1 Transcription
1 Translation