Legal document: Moss. VII,106.2
Legal document Moss. VII,106.2What's in the PGP
- 1 Transcription
Fragment of a partnership agreement. On parchment. In the hand of Avraham b. Natan Av. Involves the names Peraḥya ha-Kohen and [...] ha-Kohen b. Yeshuʿa (ZL), probably the same person, Peraḥya b. Yeshuʿa ha-Kohen, who is probably the same trader who appears in T-S NS 226.107 (PGPID 24248) and T-S 8J37.1 + T-S Ar.5.2 (PGPID 5433).. Involves a sum of 600 dinars. The partnership capital involves contributions from at least two parties; arrangements are made for profits and payments.
Editor: Goitein, S. D.
S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.
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