State document: ENA 3923.2 + ENA 3923.1
State document ENA 3923.2 + ENA 3923.1What's in the PGP
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Original use: Two lines from a petition or report about property rights, mentioning an alley (zuqāq) in Fustat and something under the name of al-qāḍī al-sadīd and a 'mound' (kawm) that belongs by rights to the petitioner. Reused for accounts in Arabic and Greek/Coptic numerals. Pinholes at the margin ~4–5mm apart. Note in the volume at JTS says these two fragments were detached from one another in 1965. Secondary use: Lists of names and numbers in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, probably private business accounts.
Editor: Umrethwala, Yusuf
ENA 3923.2 verso
فـ[ـسطاط مصر بزقاق بني نكير بحافة جلنار يعرف بالقاضي السد[يد
]ـها …. في موضعها ومن حقوق كلية العبد كوم كان منها قديما صفية(؟) مرقل(؟)
ENA 3923.1 recto
]ـسلمين جمال العلما كمال الامنا خاصة امير المؤمنين ثبت الله ايامها واعز ….مها
خلد مجدها واهلك حاسديها وضدها ان في ما في جميع كليـ[