Legal document: T-S NS J401j
Legal document T-S NS J401jDescription
Legal document. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Location: Fustat. Drawn up under the authority of the head of the yeshiva [Maṣliaḥ?] b. Shelomo. Power of attorney is granted to an agent after the refusal of a debtor to remit a debt against a note. Mevorakh b. Seʿadya (l. 16) sent his agent Berakhot (l. 19) to collect some jewelry (l. 7) such as, two bracelets of amber with golden heads (l. 4), from a certain David (l. 18) (perhaps identical with Yeshuʿa al-Qarawī, l. 9). However, the debtor refused to render the items, claiming that the note presented by the agent (l. 10) did not authorize him to issue a proper valid release after handing over the precious items. The court considered his request justifiable (ll. 11-12) and accordingly the creditor gave the agent his power of attorney (ll. 16-17), and sent him to collect the debt and properly issue a release to the debtor (ll. 18-21). No signatures are preserved. (Information mainly from Gershon Weiss.)