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عوامل التصفية

5 نتائج

  1. 1

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.39.276

    Official document. Likely torn from the corner of a larger document. Dating: Ottoman-era. Contains the signature "I am the poor one Niʿmatallāh b. ʿUthmān," possibly …

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  2. 2

    رسالةAIU VI.B.100

    A 16-page Ottoman-era notebook with diverse contents. Pages 1–2: Judaeo-Arabic translation of Daniel 1:4–10. "Chief of the eunuchs" is translated as "Sārī l-Aghawāt." There follow …

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  3. 3

    ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.116

    Deeds of sale issued by Ottoman courts in 1519CE, with a possible endorsement on the verso mentioning both 925AH and 926AH (1519CE-1520CE). The ḥujja on …

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  4. 4

    ثيقة شرعيّةAIU XII.173

    Recto: Long, calligraphic legal document in Arabic, from Fustat (مصر المحروسة), dated October 1649 CE (7 Shawwal 1059). It bears seven signatures along the side, …

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  5. 5

    رسالةT-S Ar.38.111

    Letter in Ottoman Turkish addressed to Maʿallim Salmūn in Alexandria from Sulaymān Bostancı[?] dating from the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries. There is some damage to the sender's …

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