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Marriage document. Fragment from a damaged ketubah. The groom is Ḥalfon ha-Kohen. The name of his father and bride are not preserved. Part of the …
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Marriage document. Fragment from a ketubah. No names or dates are preserved. Contains a few words from the monogamy clause. Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
Marriage document. Small fragment from the top of a ketubah, as is evident from the large, decorative phrases opening with בשם אל עולם, commonly found …
Marriage document. Lower part, probably of a ketubah, written by a typical 13th century hand. Some of the dowry list is preserved. Signed by […] …
Legal document; marriage document. Three unrelated texts: Two contracts (ketubah and deed of sale) and a commentary on Genesis 12. Fol. 1: commentary on Genesis …
Marriage document? Minute fragment, on velum, probably from a ketubah . the words נדוניה ובליות can be read. Verso is blank. AA
Detailed trousseau of Bint Menahem (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, 403, and from Goitein's index cards)
1 نسخ 1 مناقشة
Verso: bottom part of a beautifully illuminated ketubba, signed by Yaʿaqov b. Simḥa. It seems to be too damaged to extract much of the content. …
Ketubbah for [...] b. Eleazar (bride). Dated 28th Elul 15[.. Sel.], in the time of R. Abraham (possibly Maimonides?). Might be by the hand of …
Ketubbah of Meshullam ha-Kohen (groom). Few words from the beginning of travel stipulation survived. No further details are preserved. AA
Fragment of a marriage contract from Fustat, written in the same hand as T-S 13J12.18. Dated ca 1337. (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, pp. 386, …
Ketubba (marriage contract). Location: Fustat. Dated: 20 Tammuz 1376 Seleucid, which is 1065 CE. Groom: Fuḍayl b. Efrayim. Bride: Ḥasana bt. Yosef. No monetary details …
1 مناقشة
Bottom of a Ketubbah, signed by Yeshuʿah b. [...] and Saʿadiah b. Solomon. We find here remnants of the immersion enactment issued by Maimonides in …
Ketubbah of Hillel b. Yeshuʿa (groom), dated [..] Tishri 4[... A.M.]. It is probably a ketuba de'irkasa - replacement for a lost ketubah based on …
Ketubba, Metropolis, probably 927/8 or 1027/8.
Legal document: ketubba for []t Mawhūb (bride). Witnessed by Yishaq b. Saʿ[adya], [... b.] Efrayim, Yeshuʿa ha-Levi b. Aharon, Yaaqov ha-Levi b. [...]she, Amram b. …
Top right strip from a Ketubbah of Ṣedaqa [b. ...] (groom), with no further details preserved. AA
Ketubbah of [...] b. Solomon (groom). Dated [...] Sel. in Fusṭāṭ. Written by Emmanuel b. Yeḥiel, Middle of 13th century. Probably under the reign of …
Small strip from a Ketubbah on vellum, contains mostly trousseau list mentioning ṭabaristān probably in connection with a garment. No further details preserved. AA
Ketubba, with very little text preserved, mentioning the trousseau items. Witnessed by Shemuel b. Elʿazar ha-Levi. (Information from CUDL)
Small fragment of a marriage document.
Fragment of a marriage contract stipulating a total of 20 dinars as a marriage gift at the conclusion of the contract in the event of …
Bifolio from a court ledger in the hand of Shemuel b. Saʿadya ha-Levi. It is hard to make anything of the writing on the small …
Ketubba (marriage contract).In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Location: Fustat. Dated: Monday 26 Adar II 1426 Seleucid, which is 1115 CE, under the authority …
Ketubba for Mikhal bat Sason b. Yefet and Saʿadya b. Nathan, in the hand of Nathan ha-Kohen b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. Verso: part of another document …
Fragment of a marriage contract.
1 نسخ
Marriage contract mentioning in the dowry list, among other garments, a 'jukaniyya,' a garment covering body and head, made of 'white dabiqi'' and worth two …
2 نسخين
Fragmentary, short marriage contract from Cairo, from which most of the details are missing and which does not mention dowry. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, …
Marriage contract involving a bride with children from a previous marriage whom the new husband undertakes to support, and mentioning 118 dinars in a dowry …
Marriage contract containing a list of jewelry apparently of Syro-Palestinian manufacture, to be sold by Shemuel b. Ḥasan two months after the signing of this …
End of a ketubba in a large hand. Signed by Nathan [ha-Levi] b. Yeshuʿa (mid-11th century). (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Very faded document, appears to be a fragment of a late ketubba. Verso: Calligraphic biblical text in two columns.
Ketubba for the marriage of Sahlān and his bride. Ca. mid 11th century CE. Written by Yefet b. David. Signed by Yaʿīsh ha-Kohen ha-Parnas b. …
Marriage contract in which the bridegroom promises to feed and clothe the son of his future wife, a divorcee, to let him learn a craft, …
Marriage contract (ketubba) concerning Badriyya,"who is single," the daughter of ʿAllūn. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 243-9) EMS
Small fragment of a ketubba, mentioning ‘golden dinars’. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of a marriage contract of Sittuna with some items of dowry. Dated ca. 1000. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 413, and from Goitein's …
Large fragment of a marriage contract. Dated from the early 11th century. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, 378, 417)
Ketubba from the late 13th–14th century, with no names preserved other than a signatory, Joseph ha-Levi. Information from CUDL.
Formula of a Karaite ketubah. AA
Marriage contract, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sivan 5500 AM = 2051 Seleucid, which is 1740 CE. Groom: Yiṣḥaq b. Shelomo b. Yiṣḥaq. Bride: Raḥel bt. …
A small strip from a ketuba. The groom's name is Fetahya. Remnants from the divorce clause is visible. On verso few words from a beginning …
Minute fragment, only two words, but might be from a ketubah. AA
Fragment of right side of a marriage contract
Part of the beginning of a ketubba, dated 13[..] (10th-11th century CE) in Fusṭāṭ. (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba, with no details preserved. Ca. beginning of the 13th century. (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba, with only a few words preserved. Part of the shemaʿ has been written between the lines in faded ink and a …
Part of a ketubba, with no names or date preserved. Between the lines, a different hand has practiced writing the Hebrew alphabet. Verso: part of …
Part of a ketubba, written under the authority of Maṣliaḥ ha-Kohen (1127-1139 CE), in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Manassah (1100-1138 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba, for Shemarya ha-Kohen (groom) and Sitt al-Bayt (bride). (Information from CUDL)