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1609 نتائج
  1. 1151وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.42.173

    Recto (secondary use): Petition draft in Arabic script. The sender thanks the addressee for employing him in government service (khidma). Mentions "al-dawāwīn al-maʿmūra." The variants …


    1. المملوك يقبل الارض وينهي انه كان انعم عليه بالخدمة في [
    2. طـ[                              ]....للديوان المعمور
    3. من الجاري[                    ...


    1. The slave kisses the ground and reports that he [the addressee] showed kindness to him by appointing him in [
    2. [                       ]in th...


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  2. 1152نصوص أدبيّةT-S Ar.42.155

    Love poetry, in Arabic script. The name of the beloved is Buthayna and the lover is Jamīl. The poem is written in verse form on …


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  3. 1153وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.5.148 + T-S Ar.30.316 + T-S Ar.42.196 + HUC 1133

    Writing exercise in a chancery hand, two different hands alternating. Encomium to an official. Alternatively, the original document may be a genuine document rather than …


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  4. 1154رسالةT-S Ar.41.124

    Letter/petition to Najīb(?) al-Dawla. In Arabic script. The sender reports that he came to the addressee's house but was not able to do something. He …


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  5. 1155وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 117.319

    Petition, or official-looking letter. In Arabic script. Fragments of four lines are preserved. Mentions "the place... the slave has been there for several years... the …


    1. بان هذه الموضع ايامـ[
    2. مضى للعبد وله فيه عدة سنين وكان فيه متفـ[
    3. ]...الطريق ممن زال فيهم يد..[
    4. ]....المذكور...


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  6. 1156ثيقة شرعيّةHalper 472

    Legal document in Arabic script. The last four lines are preserved as well as the witness statements. Needs examination. Dated: 22 Rabīʿ I 548 AH …


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  7. 1157وثيقة رسميّةT-S 8J5.21

    Verso: Draft of a petition in Arabic script, addressed to a lower official. The petitioners raise a dispute regarding a synagogue (kanīsa). They are barred …

      1. المماليك يقبلو الارض {وهو} ينهوا ان لهم بالمحلة كنيسة خرابة وهي تجمع شملهم

      2. بالصلاة فيها والمماليك [[يمنعون]] //خائفين// من الدخول اليها لكونه...

    1. The slaves kiss the ground and report that they have a dilapidated synagogue in al-Maḥalla which unites them
    2. in prayer. However, the slaves are ...


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  8. 1158رسالةT-S Ar.34.94

    Letter/petition in Arabic script. Opens with the phrase "(al-mamlūku) yakhdumu majlisa mawlānā wa-sayyidinā...." The sender asks the addressee to send something with Abū l-Ḥasan, it …


    1.    ا[لمملوك]

    2. يخدم مجلس مولانا وسيدنا ادام الله ايامه     ويسل انعامه 

    3. ان يتفضل باحسانه ان يرسل صحبة الشيخ ابو  الحسن جامكية

    4. المملوك ف...


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  9. 1159ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.10

    Possibly a record of a birth. In Arabic script. "In the name of God the most gracious, the most merciful: the blessed ________ was on …

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. كانت الوالدة المباركة ليلة الخميس

    3. لنصف من شهر رمضان سنة 

    4. اربع وثمان واربع مائة

    5. الله يعرفنا بركتها

    6. [و]يجعل العا[ق...


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  10. 1160وثيقة رسميّةT-S 16.102

    Petition from an Alexandrian coppersmith. Dating: Fatimid-era based on structure and paleography but could be Ayyubid. The titles of the addressee match that of an …


    1 مناقشة

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  11. 1161رسالةT-S 16.150

    Verso: Drafts of at least half a dozen letters and other texts in Arabic script. One letter (written between the lines of another one) is …

    Bottom of the page

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. كتب عبد سيدنا الناصر للدين عماد المسلمين
    3. للاجل الاوحدالمكين سيد الوزراء وتاج الاصفيا
    4. قاضي القضاة وداعي ا...


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  12. 1162وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.328

    Decree of investiture(?); two lines widely spaced. Contains rhymed prose in praise of someone: "the stars in the their rotation like the order of …

    1. ]الى النجابة وعلى ىىد[
    2. ]الجواهر في الافلاك [     ] في مواكبه ترتيب النجوم في الافلاك


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  13. 1163وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.35.126

    Verso (original use): Fragment of a petition or other formal state correspondence. The beginnings of 8 lines are preserved, mostly consisting of honorifics for the …

    1. شعبان بن عبد الله        ابو بكر الكرمي 

    2. محمد بن محمد التركماني

    3. بسم الله الـ[ـرحمن الرحيم]

    4. صلوات الله وبركاته ونو[امي زكواته وافضل سلامته و...


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  14. 1164وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 115.41

    Bottom of a petition. In Arabic script. Addressed to a caliph. Needs examination. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL.)


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  15. 1165وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.123

    Recto and verso are two distinct petitions, in different hands. Unclear if/how they are related. Recto: Petition for charity apparently from someone under arrest (muʿtaqal), …


    1. يقبل الارض        وينهـ[ـي

    2. عناية وعد من مملوكه فلوجه الله

    3. كلامه واذا حضر بين يديه وطلب من عـ[

    4. واذا كان المملوك معتقل وسير[

    5. برا ووقع...


    1. Kisses the ground and repo[rts
    2. charity that was promised to the slave. I swear upon God
    3. his words. When he arrived in his presence and sough...


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  16. 1166وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.29

    State document, probably a decree, last three lines, written on the joyous occasion of ʿĪd al-Naḥr. Preserved lines read as "فاعلم هذا واعمل..وكتب في يوم …


    1. واعلم هذا واعمل بـ[ـه وليقرّ بأيديهم بعد ثبوته في ... بحيث يثبت مثله ان شاء الله تعالى]

    2. كتب في يوم عيد النحر السعيد [سنة …. ]

    3. [الحمد لل...


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  17. 1167وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 102.90

    Petition to a Fatimid caliph, end only, with long lower margin enabling it to be reused as a biofolio transverse to the original text.


    1. عليـ]ـهم ما شمل كله المعظم (؟) في هذه الايام

    2. الزاهرة القاهرة عدلا واحسانا ورهبة ور حمة

    3. ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه رايها العالي في ذلك

    4. ا...


    1 نسخ 2 مناقشتان

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  18. 1168وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.29.13

    Petition or report. In Arabic script. Probably sent from the village of Danūhiyya (modern spelling: دنوهيا) in the Sharqiyya district of the Nile Delta (the …


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  19. 1169وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.42.195 + T-S Ar.38.128

    Petition to a Fatimid dignitary concerning (or from?) a certain Abū l-Faraj apparently regarding various properties in a neighborhood (and perhaps their commandeering?). Subsidiary to …

    1. [. . .]

    2. ابو الفرج الكرخي المبتاع لهذه الدار وقال[

    3. الا باطلاق من مولاي الشيخ //الجليل// لا على الحـ[

    4. اعتابا(؟) له بسبب حق واجب       وعند مو...

    1. []
    2. Abū l-Faraj al-Karkhī, the seller of this house, and said [
    3. except with the permission from our master the elder //the illustrious// not by [
    4. m...


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  20. 1170رسالةJRL Gaster ar. 134

    Letter, probably, or official correspondence, in Arabic script. Mentions the ground tax "al-ḥikr" and "siwā l-mablagh al-taṣarruf". Needs examination. [Or rather likely a legal document …


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  21. 1171وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 176.218

    State document, in Arabic script. Petition to a caliph, in a sloppy hand. Lower left corner. Some of the details of the case may be …

    1. ] من الشجرة بمصر عنده غارمين(؟) بهم وو[

    2. ثـ]ـلاث دينار واودعوا ذلك عنـ[ـد 

    3. ]العبد كشف ما ذكره من حاله والصد[قـ]ـة عليه

    4. ] لنحيي بذلك ولمولانا...

    1. ] from a disagreement(?) in Fusṭāt….debtors(?)
    2. ] 3 dinars, and promised that towards
    3. ] the slave, unveiling of that he narrated about his state an...


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  22. 1172ثيقة شرعيّةT-S Ar.38.132

    Document of sale of a house (intaqala...), dated 28 Muḥarram 587 AH, which is 25 February 1191 CE. (Though note that Khan at one time …


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  23. 1173Credit instrument or private receiptENA 3967.9

    One side: Receipt for rent. Bū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf paid Maḥfūẓ 6 dirhams. The other side: Fragmentary note mentioning sugarcane and silk (yaḥtāj ilā firqat?... fī …


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  24. 1174Credit instrument or private receiptDK 398

    Order of payment (or bill?) in Arabic script. Abū l-Khayr al-ʿAṭṭār is to pay 80 dirhams out of the price of the drugs/perfume. The scribe …


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  25. 1175Credit instrument or private receiptT-S Ar.35.325

    Commercial receipt. Dated: 27 Muḥarram 498 H. For Abū l-Faḍl Jaʿfar b. ʿAlī al-Dimashqī. The commodity is mentioned is lac and the quantity is 300 …


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  26. 1176Credit instrument or private receiptAIU XII.31

    Receipt for the price of sugar collected from a certain ʿAbdūn by the messenger Aḥmad al-Ḥawlī. The document is dated Tuesday, 13th RabīʿII 859 H. …


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  27. 1177Credit instrument or private receiptAIU XII.77

    Receipt of payment for the rent of three stores (ḥawānīt) from a man called Khiḍr Zaytūn in ḥarat al-yahūd, near the waqf of Muḥammad al-Raḥlāwī …


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  28. 1178Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 68

    Receipt of payment, in the name of Dāʾūd al-Yahūdī al-Quḍāʿī for renting two floors in a caravanserai (wikāla). Dated: Shaʿbān 1163 AH = July/August 1750 …


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  29. 1179ثيقة شرعيّةAIU XII.144

    Bottom left corner fragment of a legal contract, late. Deed of sale. Three signatures in the form of cartouches at the bottom. Second fragment of …


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  30. 1180نصّ غير أدبيّAIU XII.145

    A recipe or prescription in Arabic. Needs further examination.


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  31. 1181وثيقة رسميّةBL Or. 5557K.25

    State document, possibly a decree fragment, two lines, with wide spacing. The second line reads as "was kutiba li-sitt khalawn min Shawwāl ʿaẓẓama-llāhu". Reused widely …


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  32. 1182ثيقة شرعيّةMoss. VIII,268

    Muslim marriage contract. Fragment (upper right corner). Groom: Yazdād b. Balūl(?). Needs further examination. Reused on verso for Hebrew piyyuṭ.


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  33. 1183وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.5

    Fragment of a letter in Arabic, likely an official report or petition. The sender reports that he went up to the citadel (يقبل الارض وينهي …


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  34. 1184وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 225.24

    Recto: Letter or petition, fragment. In Arabic script. It seems to be addressed to the director of the bureau of mosques (mutawallī dīwān al-jawāmiʿ wa-l-masājid), …


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  35. 1185وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.39.1

    Official receipt of some kind. In Arabic script. Dated: 556 AH (or kharājī?); if AH, this would correspond to 1160/61 CE. For Bū l-Ḥasan b. …


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  36. 1186ثيقة شرعيّةENA 3963.1

    Legal document in Arabic script, central portion of either a contract or a deed of sale. Dating: Likely Mamluk or Ottoman era. The name of …


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  37. 1187وثيقة رسميّةENA 3941.2

    Letter or petition from a certain Bū Naṣr (to a woman?). In Arabic script. Begins: عبدها يقبل يديها وينهي انه شهد الله على غاية من …


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  38. 1188وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 100.63

    Official correspondence. 7 lines are preserved. Catalogued as a decree concerning tax payment, but needs further examination. Reused for a Judaeo-Arabic commentary with exegetical queries …


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  39. 1189نصوص أدبيّةMoss. IXa,2.30

    Thousand and One Nights, from the chapter حكاية أنس الوجود مع محبوبته الورد في الأكما.


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  40. 1190وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 305.119

    Formal letter in Arabic script. Full of eloquent expressions of patronage. Unusual layout. Needs examination for content. Verso, is covered with writing in Arabic script …


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  41. 1191نصّ غير أدبيّMoss. VIII,236

    Two medical prescriptions, one on each page. In Arabic script. Both are headed by "lemon syrup" (sharāb laymūn) or begin with this item. The one …


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  42. 1192وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IX,202.3

    Petition to a state official. In Arabic. After a taqbīl, the addressee is greeted with many titles ("al-majlis al-ʿādilī al-sayfī al-nāṣirī(?) al-kāmilī al-hādī"). The petitioner …

    1. ] . . . امير المومنين وعلى آبائه الطاهرين
    2. ] يقبل الارض امام المجلس العادلي السيفي
    3. ] الناصري(؟) الكاملي الهادي عضد الله به الدين
    4. ] ادام (وخلد؟) ق...


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  43. 1193وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 141.71

    Petition, probably. In Arabic script. ~4 lines preserved. Refers to al-dīwān al-Mustanṣirī. On verso there is piyyut. Likely related to the cluster T-S H11.90 + …

    1. ..هذين الديوانين وهو يجدد السوال

    2. …قام….من شي بما يجب فيها

    3. ]ـه الى الخدمة في ذلك ولولا ما يطمع به

    4. ….قدرته من [  ]يجب الديوان المستنصري


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  44. 1194Credit instrument or private receiptJRL Gaster ar. 56

    Receipt in Arabic issued by a waqf overseer (ناظر وقف), probably for ground rent (ḥikr) on a property in Cairo. Dated Shawwal 1214 AH (1800 …


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  45. 1195وثيقة رسميّةAIU IV.C.259

    Decree. Only part of one line is preserved, mentioning the caliph al-Ḥāfiẓ, "...wa-waliyyihi ʿAbd al-Majīd Abī l-Maymūn al-Imām..."


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  46. 1196وثيقة رسميّةAIU VII.D.103

    State document, fragment, in Arabic script written in enormous letters, probably a decree. Mentions "fourteen heads" (li-arbaʿa ʿashara raʾs) (of cattle?). Reused for several different …


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  47. 1197وثيقة رسميّةAIU XII.69

    Possibly an official document in Arabic script, but the hand is crude. Could also be an IOU with a layout reminiscent of state documents. Concerns …


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  48. 1198نصوص أدبيّةJRL Gaster ar. 6

    Arabic literary text, in a beautiful and elegant Maghribī script. Probably regarding theology or isagoge. Needs examination.


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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  49. 1199وثيقة رسميّةENA 2808.45

    Small fragment of a Fatimid decree containing a truncated closing formula and the beginning of the date (day of the week only — Thursday). Interesting …


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  50. 1200نصوص أدبيّةJRL Gaster ar. 188

    Four sides of a medical text in a beautiful calligraphic hand with diacritical marks. Needs examination for identifying the work.


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    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, recto
    • 1+2 / 2 leaves conjoined, verso
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