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Recto: The ends of two lines from an official letter (report or petition). Verso: Accounts in Arabic script.
لا توجد ثبت المراجع والمصادر
Fragment of a petition (upper right corner). Preserved text: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم خلد الله ايام الحضرة السامية . . . الجلالية ناصرة ال . …
State document, extremely fragmented, only a few words readable. Mentions the amir Asad al-Dawla.
Recto: State document beginning as follows: هذا كتاب من عبد الله ووليه الامام المنصور ابي علي الآمر باحكام الله امير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه وعلى …
Recto: Fragment of a state document, possibly a decree. 2 lines preserved. In Arabic script. Some phrases read as "yanālu aṣḥābuhu mimman yaḍumm... wa-akhdh...", "wa-l-muṭālaba …
State document, probably tax receipt, in Arabic script. Contains two registration marks "الحمد لله وبه استعين" and "الحمد لله لما انعم". The first line contains …
Possibly a fragment from a fiscal register. Mentions a kharājī year. Very large script. Reused for the morning benedictions for weekday services.
Bottom eight lines of an official letter in Arabic script. Ends with a ḥamdala and ṣalwala. Difficult handwriting; needs examination.
State document, possibly. There are two lines in a chancery hand and the end of a third line, with huge spaces between them, and an …
Receipt for the capitation tax of Maʿālī b. Bū l-Karam. Needs further examination. See T-S AS 177.85 (PGPID 37036) for all the related documents.
Tax receipt, jizyā, dated 507 H (?). Pinholes at the margin 5mm apart.
Fiscal document in Arabic script. The upper text block refers to a transfer from "the account of the (governmental) urban properties to the account of …
1 مناقشة
Fiscal accounting, possibly. Needs examination.
Petition. Report fragment, probably early Ayyubid period (taqbīl clause + paleography + reused by Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, whose documents cluster ca. 1190–1210; see description …
1 نسخ 1 ترجمة
State document, fragment, one isolated line in Arabic script. "والذي ينهيه عبد مولانا امير المؤمنين". Reused on recto for Hebrew piyyuṭ, the prayer for rain …
Bottom of a formal letter (petition?) in Arabic script. Needs examination.
State document in Arabic on verso. Medieval era. The remnants of one line is visible. Both sides were reused for a literary text in Hebrew. …
State document(s) in Arabic script. On recto there are administrative/secretarial notes at the top: yuqābal.... qūbila.... (cf. T-S Ar.35.139, T-S AS 177.472, ENA 3918.11). Needs …
Recto: State document in Arabic script. Dating: No later than 1078/79 CE. Large chancery hand, wide space between the lines. 4 lines preserved here. Opens …
Small fragment of official correspondence in Arabic script. The ends of 4 lines are preserved. Mentions 'al-wilāya.' Reused on recto for a book list in …
Formal letter in Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps 12th or 13th century based on handwriting. From ʿAbdallāh b. [...]. He reports that he has obeyed the …
Petition, fragment, in Arabic script. The sender says that he (or less likely someone else) is unable to provide for himself (a trope of petitions) …
1 نسخ
Letter/petition in Arabic script. Dating: likely mid- to late 12th century, based on paleographic grounds, the mention of Abū l-Fakhr Ibn al-Rav who may be …
Recto: official-looking letter possibly addressed to a qāḍī. Verso: A receipt of some kind? Both sides need further examination.
Recto: Document in Arabic script, unidentified.
State document. Dating: Refers to payments for the year 415 kharājī; 415 AH is 1024/25 CE, so 415 kharājī is 1024/25 CE plus or minus …
Brief official report in Arabic script. Ends, "anhā dhālika wa-l-raʾy aʿlāhu." Dating: Likely Ayyubid or early Mamluk-era, based on handwriting and format. Needs further examination …
Official-looking accounts or receipt, mentioning a 'maṭbakh' and the name Sāliḥ b. ʿAṭiyya.
Tax receipt? - needs examination.
Two different letters in Arabic script, one on recto and on verso. The one on verso may be a petition. Needs examination for content.
State document, in Arabic script. Maybe a letter or petition. Begins with "yunhī", mentions "sulṭān" and something being in the possession of infidels "fī aydī …
Brief official letter in Arabic script. With a stamped seal in the margin next to the name of the issuer/sender (Muṣṭafā something). Dated: 10 Rajab …
Official looking accounts in Arabic script. Listing names and quantities, presumably of money.
Tax receipt, or possibly credit instrument? Contains an ʿalāma at the upper right, maybe, and a jahbadh signature at the bottom. Also contains the glyph, …
Document with a few lines of Arabic script on each side. Probably a fiscal account. Mentions 200 dinars on verso, and possibly a dīwān. Needs …
Small fragment with Arabic script in a chancery hand with wide spacing. Possibly a state document. A few words from the two fragmentary lines read …
Seems to be a state report on agricultural tax collection. Dating: Likely Mamluk-era based on formulae, names, and handwriting, but this is a guess. Seems …
Fragment of an official document, probably. (Tax receipt?) Little is preserved beyond the date: 12 Ramaḍān 634 AH = 9 May 1237 CE.
Small fragment of an official-looking document in Arabic script. Damaged. Some numbers are mentioned (e.g., 700).
Bifolio containing a copy of a decree (sijill muʿaẓẓam) of appointment issued by the caliph al-Āmir (r. 1101–30) at the behest of the vizier al-Afḍal …
Very tiny note in Arabic script, in the same type of hand as many of the early 5th/11th century tax receipts. Some contain the mystery …
Official-looking document in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Petition or legal document from a Jew on behalf of the Jewish community to the government. The petitioner's name appears in the lower right margin. …
يقبلون الارض
الايام متع لله بوجوده (الايام؟)
ويهود وبينهم وبين جماعة دعاوي شرعية و
لهم خلاص الا باللباب (=بالباب) العالي وسمو الهم من الصـ...
Bottom part of a tax receipt in the hand of the jahbadh Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ. On the other side there is a distinct document …
Official receipt, likely for capitation tax ("min jizyatihī") for Yaʿqūb b. Yūsuf the Jew. Mentions "bi-mushārafat al-qāḍī . . . Yūsuf b. [...]." In the …
Decree, in Arabic script. Approximately twelve lines, later cut and reused to form quires. It is difficult to piece the decree fragments in the order …
The ends of three lines from an official-looking letter or document in Arabic script. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information in part from CUDL.) Reads …
Two fragments of a letter in Arabic script. Hard to tell if it is a state document, a mercantile document, or both. Refers to "al-ḥujaj …
Document tied to finances that according to FGP could be connected to state procedures. Dating: Ottoman-era. This designation seems feasible given the appearance of "diwan" …
Fiscal document, in Arabic script, bottom part of the fragment. The document is dated Muḥarram 487 H and the first two lines may be read …