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عوامل التصفية

2022 نتائج

  1. 1101

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 145.22

    State document. Response to endorsement of a petition written by Yuḥannā b. Abī l-Layth (a Christian), who referred the case to the office of al-Afḍal. …


    1.                ...ـعر .. ان شا الله 
    2. ولمولانا صلوات الله عليه الراى العالي السامي في ذلك ان شا الله

    3. وكتب في العشر الاخر من شهر رمضان سنة ...

    1. [ ]

    2. To our lord, the blessings of God be upon him, belongs the lofty and exalted resolution concerning that, if God wills.

    3. It was written i...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة


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  2. 1102

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Misc.26.37

    Official letter in Arabic script. Beautiful handwriting. Wide space between the lines. Ḥamdala and ḥasbala at bottom. Needs examination.

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  3. 1103

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 13J8.27

    Report to a vizier of al-Ḥāfiẓ from a military official. The sender refers to previous petitions, and also makes a new request for a rescript. …


    1. [              ] ولما وصل الارتفاع المتوج بالعلامة ا[لشريفة                                        ]
    2. [              ] على ظهر كتاب متولى الت...
    1. [ ] When the gross receipts headed with the [noble] motto arrived [ ]

    2. [ ] on the verso of the document of the director of stipends, the footsol...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة


    • stitched (v)
    • 2v
    • 1v
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  4. 1104

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S K25.189

    Fiscal accounts relating to agrarian administration for the kharājī year 430 (spanning the lunar years 431 and 432 AH, corresponding to 1039–41 CE) issued by …

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة 1 مناقشة


    • 1v
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  5. 1105

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 10J9.4

    State document. Response to an endorsement on a petition. A multi-handed internal memorandum. Contains endorsements or minutes (or clerks' notes) that haven't yet been deciphered; …


    1. والحمد لله وحده وصلواته على [سيدنا محمد نبيه وسلم تسليما]
    2.          العبد المملوك
    3.               …… بن فتح
    4. امتثل المرسوم فى التوقيع العالى زاد...
    1. Praise be to God alone and his blessings be upon [our lord Muḥammad, his prophet, and save him]

    2. The servant and slave

    3. . . . ibn Fatḥ

    4. The in...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة


    • 1v
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  6. 1106

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IXa,2.32 + Moss. IXa.2.32

    Military/fiscal account. An official in the Fatimid military administration (mutawallī dīwān al-juyūsh) submits an account, presumably to do with military spending. The main text (l. …

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  7. 1107

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 305.176

    Tax receipt?

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  8. 1108

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 122.46

    Official report in Arabic script. May mention Naṣr al-[...] b. al-Faḍāʾil b. [...] in the first line. Approximately 5 lines are preserved. On verso there …

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  9. 1109

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 176.84

    A few words from a decree: "... al-muwaffaq Ḥusām al-Mulk Sanad al-Dawla..."

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  10. 1110

    وثيقة رسميّةJRL Gaster ar. 617

    Official correspondence or petition, in Arabic script. Probably Mamlūk era. Fragmentary to glean proper context but a preliminary reading is as follows: المرجو من الله …

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  11. 1111

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 125.135

    Petition or report. In Arabic script. Portions of 4 lines are preserved. (It has been cut vertically down the middle and re-glued in a different …

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  12. 1112

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.35.204

    Receipt for the capitation tax (jizya) for the Jewish man Bū l-ʿAlāʾ b. Bū l-Faḍl al-Qazzāz (the silk trader) in Fustat. Dated: 545 AH = …

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  13. 1113

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.34.38

    Recto: receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office …

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة


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  14. 1114

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 178.79

    Fiscal account. Needs examination.

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  15. 1115

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 235.185

    Probably an Ikhshīdid fiscal document. See T-S NS 139.65 (belonging to the same Hebrew reuse). Mentions dates, sums of money, and names such as ʿUmar …

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  16. 1116

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.8

    Official-looking receipt, perhaps for the jizya of Mūsā b. [...]. Needs examination.

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  17. 1117

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 238.35

    State document, official correspondence. The ends of 8 lines are preserved. Mentions obedience (al-samʿ wa-l-ṭāʿa li-l-amr), and it seems the sender is asking for orders. …

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  18. 1118

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3494.9

    Document in Arabic on verso, medieval-era. Only two partial lines are visible but the line spacing and scribal hand point to the likelihood that this …

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    • verso
    • recto
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  19. 1119

    وثيقة رسميّةTS AS 183.83

    Sugar accounting for the Dīwān al-Sulṭān (of al-Ṣāliḥ Ayyūb) mentioning the refinery of Ṣafad (or al-Ṣafadī?) and the sugar of Ashmūn. Mentions a quantity of …

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  20. 1120

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 278.188

    Fragment of an Arabic document. Opening with blessings for (خير لمولانا...) the caliph al-Mustanṣir, then mentioning various people's names including someone with the laqab Kāfī …

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  21. 1121

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 186.6

    Account in Arabic script, possibly fiscal. Mentions the year 523 AH = 1128/29 CE. The Hebrew script was added later. Needs examination.

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  22. 1122

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 321.100

    Verso (original use): Lower left corner of a petition in Arabic script, apparently asking for charity or assistance for a woman: . . . . …


    1. عاد اليها الصدقة[
    2. السجـ]ـل الكريم زاده الله شرفا ونفاذا بالصدقة عليها
    3. ]....ويسل الفسح عنها انعاما عليها
    4. ]......ادام امرها
    5. ]عليه الراي العالي...

    1 نسخ


    • 1v
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  23. 1123

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 181.178

    Verso (original use): Official-looking document in Arabic script. Maybe a receipt. Mentions "al-kharājiyya al-muwāfiqa li-[...]." Needs further examination.

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  24. 1124

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IV,318.1

    State document, probably a decree of appointment, in Arabic script. Beginning of three fragmentary lines - "يتصرف فيه...وما معها يعمل...". Needs examination.

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  25. 1125

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.548

    Official-looking accounts in Arabic script.

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  26. 1126

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.39.231

    State document of some sort. Lists sums of money in words and in Greek/Coptic numerals. Multiple sections, some mottos and registration marks.

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  27. 1127

    وثيقة رسميّةBodl. MS Heb. d 77/14

    Recto: One line in a relatively small and faded chancery hand interspersed with Hebrew text. May mention 'dīwān'. Reused for Hebrew script on recto and …

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    • 14 recto
    • 14 verso
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  28. 1128

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IIIa,12

    Fragment from the top of a petition. May be addressed to Saladin (al-Malik al-Nāṣir). Reused for Hebrew seliḥot.

    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    2. ] المجلس السامي المالكي ال . . . [
    3. ]ـي الافضلي الجيوشي الناصري السيفي الـ[
    4. ] الله اقداره واعز انصاره واعلا شا[نه

    1 نسخ

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  29. 1129

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.41.131

    Petition to the vizier of al-Ẓāfir, Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī Ibn al-Salār, regarding a fief worth 5500 dinars and a market worth 1000 faddān that were …


    1. صلوات الله وبركاته ونوامى وافضل تحياته و[سلامه]

    2. ما اخذ لهم من طين اقطاعهم وهو ماية فدان احتوى عليها النايب 

    3. وقد خرجت الاوامر العالية با...

    1. The benedictions of God and his blessings, his increasing benefactions and most excellent greetings [and peace]
    2. ... what was assigned to them as ...

    1 نسخ 1 ترجمة


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  30. 1130

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 327.6

    Part of an official document in Arabic script. The ends of ~6 lines are preserved. Mentions a canal (khalīj). The hand is very similar to …

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  31. 1131

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 178.311

    Small fragment of a state document, it seems referring to the year 595 AH = 1198/99 CE.

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  32. 1132

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3970.27

    Tax receipt, Fatimid.

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    • recto
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  33. 1133

    وثيقة رسميّةCUL Add.3336

    Bottom part of a decree of a Fatimid Amīr titled Surūr al-Malikī to a provincial governor or fiscal official, dated 2 Jumāda II, no year. …


    1. ذخر الملك كوكب الدولة وسديدها  ابو منصور بختيار الجيوشي ادام الله تا[يـ]ـيد[ـه]

    2. مكاتبتك بإزالة الاعتراض عن قنده الذي في المعصرة

    3. بجوجر و...

    1 نسخ


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  34. 1134

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 127.188

    One line from the bottom of a large state document, likely a decree. Mentions the month of Ramaḍān. Reused on recto for piyyuṭ. (Information from …

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  35. 1135

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 179.55

    Receipt for the capitation tax of Maḥfūẓ b. Eliyya(?), a Jewish silk trader (qazzāz), in Fustat.

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  36. 1136

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 12.609

    State document, in Arabic script. Pٰrobably the beginning of a decree with a basmala. "mā rāḥ ḥaẓẓuk fī l-ʿūlyā bi-muntaqiṣ", a variant of the poem …

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  37. 1137

    وثيقة رسميّةENA 3219.2

    Official correspondence (petition or report). Refers to Dīwān al-Shām (of Syria, cf. T-S AS 111.37). The beginnings of two lines are preserved: "al-mutaqaddim min jihat …


    1. المقدم من جهة مولاي[
    2. الى ديوان الشام[

    1 نسخ

    • recto
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  38. 1138

    وثيقة رسميّةMoss. IXa,2.76

    Bottom left fragment of a state document, probably, in Arabic script. Ḥamdala towards the end. Needs examination.

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  39. 1139

    وثيقة رسميّةJRL Gaster ar. 95

    Possibly a fiscal document. Mentions the kharāj. Needs examination.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
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  40. 1140

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S Ar.20.11

    Document in Arabic script. Dating: likely ca. 13th century. An official account of some sort. Opens with many titles for a notable (... al-dīwānī al-ʿālī …

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  41. 1141

    وثيقة رسميّةBL OR 5566B.13

    Recto: the remnants of two lines of an Arabic chancery document with wide spacing, probably a decree. The first line reads as "من حياطة دينه …

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  42. 1142

    وثيقة رسميّةMS 8254, fol. 21

    Recto: Ayyubid or Mamluk-era fiscal account. In Arabic script. Extremely neat and well-preserved. Mentions Dār al-Malik al-Muẓaffar and al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ. Needs examination.

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  43. 1143

    وثيقة رسميّةJRL Gaster ar. 633

    Likely a tax receipt, maybe involving sugar. Very hastily written.

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    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
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  44. 1144

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S NS 236.66

    A few words from a state document (including bi-aʿmāl). Possibly a decree. Reused for Hebrew literary text.

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  45. 1145

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 183.167

    Receipt of some sort: "afrada Ibrāhīm [...] al-maṭbakh..." Needs examination.

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  46. 1146

    وثيقة رسميّةENA NS 83.267

    Fragment of a petition (upper right corner). Preserved text: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم خلد الله ايام الحضرة السامية . . . الجلالية ناصرة ال . …

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  47. 1147

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 148.120

    Recto: Document in Arabic script, unidentified.

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  48. 1148

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 183.138

    Receipt for the capitation tax of the Jewish man Maʿālī b. Yūsuf in Fustat and Cairo for the year 500-something (550? 505?).

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  49. 1149

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S 12.1 + T-S B12.39

    Fatimid fiscal report or account for the fiscal (kharājī) year 417, from the period of the Fatimid caliph al-Ẓāhir. Dated: 417 kharājī/419 AH. Document is …

    Upper fragment

    1. عبد مولانا وسيدنا الامام الظاهر لاعزاز دين الله امير المومنين 

    2. صلوات الله عليه وعلى ابائه الطاهرين وابنائه الاكرمين

    3. ومملوكه حس...

    1. The servant of our master and lord, the imām al-Zāḥir li-Iʿzāz Dīn Allāh, commander of the faithful,

    2. the blessings of God be upon him and upon ...

    2 نسخين 1 ترجمة


    • 1v
    • 1v
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  50. 1150

    وثيقة رسميّةT-S AS 177.262

    State document, in Arabic script. Original use: Decree, of which only the phrase "amīr al-muʾminīn is preserved." The document is reused for a internal state …

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