قائمة/جدول: JRL SERIES C 95
قائمة/جدول JRL SERIES C 95العلامات
List of inventory in Ladino for a "מאגאזין / magazin" or storehouse whose contents include: 6 copper plates "פלאטוס די קוברי", one lid or pot cover "קאפאק", one blue[?] sheet "סאבאנה מאוי" (mavi = blue in Turkish), two wool shawls "שאל לאנה", and many other items. Following the inventory there is a list of calculations and then a series of names under the heading "lo ke deven la gente / what people owe" mentioning: Shelomo Ayleon[?], Elaʾzar Istanbuli, Yaʿaqov Mitrani, and others. The fragment's verso is blank. MCD.