رسالة: T-S K6.40
رسالة T-S K6.40الوصف
P4: Letter from Ismaʿīl to his cousin (ibn ʿamm) al-Shaykh al-Ḥaver David ha-Kohen. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Mentions Mūsā al-Ashmūnī attending [...] in Sanhūr; the arrival of the letter of 'our master and teacher Mū[sā?]; that Bū l-Majd will convey further information; ʿAlī b. Futūḥ; al-Shaykh al-Wafiyy [...] Bū l-ʿAlāʾ; the elder Avraham; the elder Sibāʿ. In the margin contains the phrase "if only he had 'uncovered his face' (begged for charity) in Damascus." A line of address in Arabic script is found on recto. P2 f.1 followed by P1 f. 1 and P3 f. 2: Birkat ha-Mazon. P3 f. 1, P1 f. 2 and P2 f. 2: qaddish. P5: The cover page and beginning of birkat ha-mazon, copied by Meshullam b. Yefet. (Information in part from CUDL.) AA/ASE.