نوع غير معروف: ENA 2420.1
نوع غير معروف ENA 2420.1What's in the PGP
- صورة
Blessings for Emperor Francis II of Austria in Italian and Hebrew. The Italian portion reads in part: "Dia Sempre Gloria e Vittoria al Nostro Sovrano Imperator Francesco Secondo D'Astria Con Tutta la sua Real Famiglia astriacha(?)." Dating: 1792–1835 CE. Evidently to be included in the prayer service as a 'misheberach,' because the text indicates that the misheberach for the congregation should follow.
النصوص المفرّغة
ENA 2420.1 recto
![recto recto](https://iiif-cloud.princeton.edu/iiif/2/b4%2F0c%2Fe8%2Fb40ce88742f74645a643fe1e30a95e44%2Fintermediate_file/full/500,/0/default.jpg)
ENA 2420.1 verso
![verso verso](https://iiif-cloud.princeton.edu/iiif/2/9c%2Fdc%2F6a%2F9cdc6a9d14814334839854272491e15b%2Fintermediate_file/full/500,/0/default.jpg)