

962 תוצאות
שם Gender Dates Social role Description / Bio Number of related documents Number of related people Number of related places
Moshe b. ʿOvadya Male
Moshe b. Ṣadoq Av Bet Din Male Jewish communal official
Moshe b. Ṣemaḥ Male
Moshe b. Shelomo Male 5 July 1072 CE
Moshe b. Shemuʾel ha-Levi Male Jewish community member
Moshe b. Yefet Male 31 January 1110 CE
Moshe b. Yehuda (15th c) Male [placeholder] see the publications of Dotan Arad
Moshe b. Yeshuʿā Male 9 December 1124–18 December 1124 CE
Moshe b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Sefaradi Male July 1039–1044 CE Jewish community member A Qaraite who migrated from Spain via North Africa to Jerusalem (see Gil, History of …
Moshe b. Yosef ben Yijū Male Jewish community member
Moshe b. Zakkār Levi Male
Moshe ben Hini Male
Moshe Bibas Male Merchant active ca. 1800.
Moshe ha-Ḥazzan b. Yehuda Male
Mother of Dosa b. Yehoshuaʿ al-Lādhiqī Female Jewish community member
Muʿizz al-Dawla wa-Shujāʿuhā Male 1101–1130 CE State official Abū Manṣūr Maḥmūd Murhaf al-Dīn Muʿizz al-Dawla wa-Shujāʿuhā was a state official during the era …
Mubārak b. Hiba Male 25 April 1028 CE Jewish communal official Beadle (khādim) of the Babylonian congregation of Fustat in the 1020s.
Mubārak b. Hillel Male
Mufaḍḍal Male Jewish community member
Mufaḍḍal al-Kohen al-Dhabbāḥ Male
Mufaḍḍal b. Abū Saʿd Male
Mufaḍḍal b. Salāma b. Saʿīd Male
Munā Female Jewish community member
Munīr al-Dawla Male 1089 CE State official Munīr al-Dawla al-Juyūshī was the Fatimid governor of Tyre who incited a revolt against the …
Munjid al-Dawla Male 1062–1072 CE State official Fatimid state official. The amir Munjid al-Dawla, Abū l-Ḥasan Mukhtār al-Mustanṣirī comes from a family …
Mūsā b. Abī l-Ḥayy Khalīla Male 18 August 1056–5 August 1084 CE Jewish community member
Mūsā b. Barhūn al-Tāhartī Male 20 April 1050 CE Jewish community member
Mūsā b. Mardūk Male Jewish community member
Mūsā b. Mūsā Ibn Majjān Male 5 July 1072 CE
Mūsā b. Yaḥyā al-Majjānī Male 13 May 1011 CE Jewish community member Dates ca. 1000–1025
(Abū ʿImrān) Mūsā b. Ṣadaqa Ibn Nufayʿ Male 20 October 1137 CE
Musāfir b. ʿAlī Male 15 January 1106 CE
Musallam b. Ayyūb Male
Muṣliḥ b. Saʿadya Male 10 August 1204 CE
Muwaffaq b. Hiba Male
Muwaffaqiyya bt. Yosef ha-Levi Female 20 April 1270 CE Jewish community member
Nadiv b. Moshe ha-Levi Male February 1172 CE
Nāhiḍ al-Dawla Male State official Fatimid state official during the era of the caliph al-ʾĀmir (r. 1101-1130).
Nahray b. Nissim Male 1040–10 November 1108 CE Jewish communal official Abū Yaḥyā Nahray b. Nissim (ca. 1025–98) was a long-distance trader in the second half …
Najā b. al-Ḥusayn al-Anṣārī Male
Nājiya bt. Shelomo b. Hiba al-Miṣrī Female 29 June 1074–9 November 1074 CE
Nāshī b. Menaḥem Male 14 February 1109 CE
Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī Male Jewish community member Poet active ca. 1300 CE. See Alan Elbaum, "Nāṣir, the Hebrew Littérateur," Cambridge University Library, …
Nāṣir al-Dawla Male 1057–1091 CE State official The rebellious commander of the Turkic regiment of the Fatimid forces under the caliph al-Mustanṣir …
Nasrīn Female Enslaved person
Natan b. Avraham (Gaʾon) Male May 1041–1043 CE Jewish communal official Rival to Shelomo b. Yehuda for the gaʾonate 1038–42.
Natan b. Avraham ha-Kohen Sholal Male
Natan b. Mevorakh ha-Kohen ha-Mumḥe Male
Natan b. Nahray Male Jewish community member
Natan b. Sason Male
Natan b. Shela Male 27 April 1128 CE
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