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3 תוצאות

  1. 1

    מסמך שלטוניBL Or. 10578E.16

    State document, ending line of a petition containing the raʾy clause. Hebrew liturgical text on verso.


    1. حضرته {ارا} رايه العالي في ذلك ان شا الله

    תעתוק אחד


    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  2. 2

    מסמך שלטוניCUL Or. 1080 5.2

    Petition, in Arabic script. Dated: 12th C Ayyubid period. A group of poor workers (ṣunnāʿ) petition the Caliph and remind him of his promise of …


    1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    2. المماليك يقبلو الارض بالمجلس [الكريم وينهون ان … ؟]

    3. واهلك اعاديه وحساده  [

    4. من جملة صناع مقامه الكريم و[

    5. بانه ‮…

    תעתוק אחד דיון אחד


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    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  3. 3

    מכתבT-S AS 146.139 + Moss. IV,77

    Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Sender and addressee are unidentified. Full of expressions of deference. The sender was distressed at 'the calamity' (al-nūba) that befell the addressee …

    אין רשומות קשורות


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    הצגת פרטי מסמך