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    מכתבT-S Ar.39.23

    Business memorandum in Arabic script. Reporting on the arrival and shipment of different loads, mainly firewood. 30 loads of firewood reached Minya al-Qays at the …

    1. واما الحطب فقد وصل الى القيس ثلثلين حمل من حساب

    2. ثلثة دراهم وربع الحمل  وبقية الحطب جميعه باقي في

    3. منبال من حساب درهمين الحمل الى النيل يحمل

    4. و‮…

    1. And as for the firewood, it has reached [Minya] al-Qays, 30 loads at the price of

    2. 3 dirhams and ¼ per load, and all of the remaining firewoo‮…

    תעתוק אחד


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