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2 תוצאות

  1. 1

    רשימה או טבלהJRL SERIES C 145

    Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic listing income from "debts and sales" around Ṭanṭa. Dated Dhū l-Qaʿda 1237 AH which is 1822 CE. MCD.

    אין רשומות קשורות


    • 1 / 1 leaf, recto
    • 1 / 1 leaf, verso
    הצגת פרטי מסמך
  2. 2

    מכתבENA 3913.10

    Letter in Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman-era, perhaps 18th or 19th century. Seems to have been abandoned halfway through. There are a few words in Hebrew …

    1. زكى السلام التام والتحيات والاكرام تهدي(؟) ذاكر(؟) ويخص(؟) الى

    2. حضرة الجناب المكرم السيد محمود عابدين اعزه الله

    3. ودام بقاه امين

    4. اما بعد نعرفكم‮…

    תעתוק אחד


    • 1
    הצגת פרטי מסמך