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Legal document in Arabic script. Acknowledgment (iqrār). Dated: 10 Ṣafar 627 AH, which is December 29 1229 CE. One party is Isḥāq b. Manṣūr al-Yahūdī. …
אין רשומות קשורות
Document in Arabic script, probably legal, probably late. The date is given but is difficult to read. There are several different blocks of texts in …
Recto: State document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew literary text (recto) as well as a draft of a document of the qodesh (verso, see …
Legal query regarding whether a man who has an emission of semen is permitted to come near his wife and in the morning recite the …
תעתוק אחד
Verso: Large fragment filled with Arabic script. It appears to be a Jewish prayer: "yā Allāh" (l. 6), "I thirst for your mercy like the …
List of monetary figures in Arabic from one Ibrāhīm Malikī in which one of the entries on the verso mentions the year 1256 AH and …
Order in Arabic script. Abū l-Ḥasan is to pay or hand over two dinars, 1 qirat, and 2 ḥabbas of "ḥawāʾij."
Business letter from Ṭayyib b. Majjānī to Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAwda b. Ismāʿīl b. ʿAwda. In Arabic script. Dating: Second half of the 11th century. Sabih …
תעתוק אחד דיון אחד
Legal testimony in Arabic script, in which someone declares that he longer owes any money to someone. One of the parties is named Abū l-Munā. …
Verso: Short note in Arabic script headed with a basmala. Difficult to read. Pen trials in the margins. On recto there is Judaeo-Arabic poetry ("anā …
Legal document. Dated: Av 4959 AM, which is 1199 CE. Location: Probably Alexandria, where legal documents in this period tend to be dated according to …
תעתוק אחד תרגום אחד
Recto (verso as catalogued): Accounts in Arabic, including the line "[...] that went with the fleet." Verso: Magical instructions in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic.
Bifolium. One folio is a Judaeo-Arabic translation of Exodus 21:1-17, 27:20-28. The other folio is magical instructions in Arabic script. The first few lines of …
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic, in more than one hand. Late? Mentions Ibrāhīmiyya as a type of currency.
Recto: Document in Arabic script. Medical prescription? Seems to list ingredients and quantities. But needs further examination.
Letter in Arabic script to the writer's father, Abū Isḥaq Ibrāhīm b. Shubbāṭ al-Siqillī. Only the opening greetings and the address are preserved. The writer …
Business letter. In Arabic script. Dating: Ottoman-era, based on overall appearance and use of the honorific "effendi." The dated accounts on the verso may be …
Document tied to finances that according to FGP could be connected to state procedures. Dating: Ottoman-era. This designation seems feasible given the appearance of "diwan" …
Accounts in Arabic script.
Four lines in Arabic script, perhaps a recipe or prescription. The words nāfiʿ . . . inshāllah are legible, then wa-l-yudlak fī. . . . …
Prescription. In Arabic script. This is the response to the letter in PGPID 3351.
Accounts in Arabic script. There is also an addendum to the document on the recto. (Information in part from Goitein, Med Soc II, p. 435 …
Medical prescription. In Arabic script. Reused for accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely 11th century.
Accounts in Arabic script. ASE.
Accounts in Arabic script and Coptic(?) numerals.
Account in Arabic script and Coptic numerals.
Document in Arabic script, probably accounts.
Letter fragment (upper right corner) in Arabic script. Mentions Umm Abū ʿAbdallāh and a woman (perhaps the same) who is 'maḍrūba.' Needs further examination.
Accounts, probably. In Arabic script. Each entry is headed with a day of the week.
Account in Arabic script, including items such as zayt ṭayyib and waraq. Needs further examination.
Document in Arabic script. Perhaps a medical prescription or recipe.
State document in Arabic script. Reused for Hebrew literary text. In the hand of ʿEli b. Yeḥezqel?
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Verso: Fragment from the left side of an early Fatimid decree or other state document. The ends of three lines remain, including the word al-taqsīṭ. …
Fiscal account, probably Fatimid.
Fatimid decree. Two lines in huge script with wide spaces between the lines; faded and difficult to decipher. Reused for a text in Judaeo-Arabic that …
State document or petition in a chancery hand and large Arabic script. Words that are readily legible include al-Qāhira, al-Ḥāfiẓiyya, al-majlis al-sāmī al-mālikī al-sayyidī al-ajallī …
Bill of settlement (taṣāduq). In Arabic script. Dated: 15 Dhū l-Qaʿda 924 AH, which is 1518 CE. Principal protagonists are Mīkhā'īl b. Isḥāq b. Abī …
Recto: Letter of appeal for charity in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary hand. Written across a bifolium. Perhaps a draft. Verso: The right-hand page is related …
Literary text in Arabic script. Astrological/astronomical. Mentions Saggitarius (burj al-qaws) several times.
Late accounts in Arabic, reused for Hebrew commentaries on different portions of Genesis.
Accounts in Arabic script and Coptic numerals
Magical fragment in Arabic script. It seems for ḍarabān (throbbing) of something.
Recto: fragments of letters in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. The latter mentions Fuḍayl al-Naṣrānī and Ibn al-Jamal. Verso: piyyuṭ in Hebrew on the death of Moses, …
Accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic and in Arabic script. Calligraphic. Dated: Rabīʿ al-Awwal 417 AH, which is April/May 1026 CE. Many intricate details about transactions. The main …
Accounts in Arabic script. Expenditures for a (Christian?) funeral and the meals after the funeral or during the mourning. Information from Goitein's note card.
דיון אחד
Accounts in Coptic numerals and Arabic script. Arranged in columns.
Legal document (iqrār) in Arabic script, written on a bifolio. Date: 5.. AH. Needs examination. (AP)