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Accounts, in Arabic script. Mentions a list of individuals with sums of money. Needs examination.
אין רשומות קשורות
Wide margins with fragmentary words, could be a literary text. Needs examination.
Accounts, probably, in Arabic script. A name "Abū ʿAlī", beginning of a date "yawm al-ʿarbiʿā" and a sum "arbaʿ wa......" Needs examination.
List, probably, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Unidentified text, in Arabic script.
Receipt of payment (ṣaḥḥ), for ʿĀbidīn(?) b. Qusṭ(?).
Accounts, probably, in Arabic script.
Bottom fragment of a literary document, in Arabic script.
Accounts, in Arabic script.
Two folios of a medical text, in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Unidentified text, in Arabic script. "منها والحجج". Needs examination.
Literary text, in Arabic script.
Literary text, fragmentary, in Arabic script.
One fragmentary word, in Arabic script, probably "وسطا".
Few unidentified words in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic. Needs examination.
State document, probably a petition or report, addressed to an official styled al-ḥaḍra al-sharīfa. Crumpled and faded. The sender was appointed to a position somewhere …
Legal document, a few lines of what was probably a draft, mentioning a woman selling something and a sum of 5 dinars. All the people …
Recto (secondary use): Beginning of a letter: "...بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم فان فات عنهم" Verso (original use): Probably a deed of sale for a piece …
Private accounts, or the amount owed to someone by the people mentioned in the document or the amount of money the person collected from the …
State document, in Arabic script. Scribal practice.
תעתוק אחד
Legal document, in Arabic script. The hand is not very readable but contains two testimonies at the bottom. Needs examination for content.
Fiscal account recording amounts by month.
An extremely fragmentary letter, in Arabic script. Probably mercantile; menions commercial transactions. Regards to people on verso.
Recto: Fiscal document, minute fragment thereof, from the left margin. Dated 27 Ramaḍān, "aẓẓāma--llāhu barakatuhā". Verso: possibly second side of the same document; mostly blank …
Very blurred text, the month of Muḥarram is readable. Needs examination.
List or table, in Arabic. Mentions several commodities, and their weights (ex. raṭl). Needs examination.
Official correspondence, in Arabic script. Addressed to a certain Shihāb al-Dīn. Possibly from Abū l-Munā b. Khiḍr, but this is tricky to read. THe beginning …
State document, probably a petition draft, in Arabic script. The text reads as "المملوك يخدم مجلس مولانا وسيدنا القاضي". There are other jottings in Arabic …
Tax receipt, in Arabic script. Needs examination. Dated:first quarter of the 11th century.
Petition from Abū Bakr b. ʿAlī to a dignitary whose name is torn off. Mentions Abū l-Ḥasan, who may be a kātib. (Information in part …
Iqṭāʿ document. Needs examination.
Mamluk era, legal document. Probably a sale contract, partially legible. Second part of the date is legible 7xx H.
Legal document, Mamluk era, in Arabic script. Iqrār document concerning a Christian man regarding a fiscal debt. Needs examination.
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. The muqirr: Muḥammad [......]. Part of the date is visible Dhū l-Ḥijja xx4. Needs examination.
Mamluk era legal document, in Arabic script.
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. The muqirr: Ibrāhīm b. Siwār b. ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz acknowledges that he owes wheat. Needs examination.
Letter, two fragments of a single letter, in Arabic script.
Writing exercises. "وفيما انهاه العبد غني عن الاطالة والاطناب". The last attempt has been circled. Verso: "بالعزائم في طلباته".
Legal document, disintegrated and shredded. Probably related to divorce.
Letter, probably mercantile, in Arabic script. Addressed to a certain "mawlāya l-ustādh", from a sub-ordinate. The sender asks the addressee to not put him at …
Mamlūk era legal document. Sale contract of a (horse?) stable. Fragmented from the top and left but otherwise legible.
Letter fragment, or probably literary if the text continues on verso. Emphasizes on some sort of calculation "يعتد بهم بالجملة لا اولا ولا آخرا". Needs …
Bottom fragment of a receipt, in Arabic script. Beginning of a date "dhū l-qaʿda" and a sum of 1/4(?) dīnār. Could also be receipt of …
Accounts, mostly private. Mentions names of a few individuals. Needs examination.