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Verso and bottom of recto: Amulet(s) for Makārim b. Nujūm to give him charm and grace and to silence his enemies. (Information from CUDL.)
May God make eternal the reign of the exalted seat, the [mighty] lord, [(commander of) the armies, sword (of Islam),]
the defender (of mankind),…
תרגום אחד
Magical recipe. To make X love Y? Mixture of Hebrew and Arabic characters (FGP)
אין רשומות קשורות
Magical text, written in a mixture of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. "Chapter on separation (furqa): write it on gazelle parchment and put it in a …
Magical text, mentioning ‘the people of Babel’ (ahl Bābil) and the Neguš. Magical drawing on verso. Looks like the same hand as T-S AS 145.71 …
Statement in Arabic script ("aqūlu wa-anā...") made and signed by Hiba b. Mufaḍḍal al-Mutaṭabbib. Dated: 18 Shawwāl 628 AH = 19 August 1231 CE. It …
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions the physician (al-ḥakīm) Abū l-Barakāt and two books containing 'accursed' magic (al-siḥr al-mayshūm). The sender greets his or her brother …
תעתוק אחד
Goralot (Lots)
Magical spells and procedures written in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Mentioning Islamic content including reciting Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ; and "al-lawḥ al-maḥfūẓ." Also invocations of magical names and …
Talisman for safe journey. (Information from Goitein's index cards.) Oded Zinger adds (January 2025): the verso text labels the talisman as being about "the passing …
2 תעתוקים דיון אחד
2 bifolia (8 pages), each containing a table corresponding to one of the stones of the Urim ve-Tumim, each one intended to be used for …
A page of instructions for harming an enemy through magical/kabbalistic means, including with the 72-letter name of God.
Bifolium from a magical work with sexual and obstetric prescriptions.
Bifolium from a magical work, including illustrations of Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof.
Fragment of an amulet for healing, with remnants of a design composed of large calligraphic words interwoven with micrography. Curatorial note: Exposition "L'Egypte au temps …
Magical/kabbalistic recipes for useful purposes such as protection against thieves or blinding and/or killing one's enemies. Labeled page 238. Same scribe as AIU VI.B.78 + …
Judaeo-Arabic instructions for making amulets to be hung up, drawing on the power of Quranic verses (e.g. 53:1 والنجم اذا هوى). There is also one …
Several fragments from a kabbalistic and/or magical work.
Bifolium from a kabbalistic and/or magical work in Judaeo-Arabic as well as Hebrew and Aramaic.
Amulet in Arabic script. It is even dated at the bottom; 16 Ṣafar [?]25.
Recipe for an amulet, beginning with 6 word-triangles based on angel names (תקפיאל, רחמיאל, etc), followed by (in Aramaic) 'You holy names... Heal NN (1b)... …
דיון אחד
Magical text, likely in the hand of the cantor Abū Sahl Levi (d. 1211). See also T-S Misc.11.91, ENA 3211.1 + ENA 3211.2, T-S K1.47
Recto: Love spells in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. Verso: An Aramaic prayer and geomancy markings.
Bifolium of magical recipes for diverse problems, many medical. E.g., against fever: recite Psalm 34 over olive oil and anoint yourself ("effective if God wills").
8 pages of a Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic work on magic and medicine.
Amulet for protection, calligraphic, including the phrase "Senoy, Sansenoy, Semangelof, Adam ve-Ḥava Lilit Ḥutz."
Magical instructions in Arabic.
Recto: A recipe in Arabic script (bāb yanfaʿ li. . . . yusḥaq. . . yukhlaṭ. . .), written in two different hands or at …
Amulet for Abū Saʿd b. Baladīn (?) to annul the evil wishes of his enemies and make everyone love him. In Hebrew, Aramaic, and nomina …
Interesting fragment of a grid containing prognostications in Judaeo-Arabic with interspersed Arabic for various questions. E.g., "This man swore falsely" or "This woman will become …
Page from a Judaeo-Arabic treatise on the virtues of gems and magical spells to do with them and Arabic letters to inscribe on them, for …
Amulets or magical recipes in Arabic.
Magical/medical recipes in Arabic.
84 pages of a book of segulot.
Amulets or magical recipes, at least partially for curing various physical ailments, in Arabic.
Long magical spell/amulet for Baghīḍa bt. Ḥā'iza, with the purpose of making Mufaḍḍal b. ʿIrāq fall in love with her and marry her without delay.
Two magical incantations against the evil eye. On the other three pages of the bifolium is a list of Torah and Prophets readings.
Leaf from an Arabic literary work on the magical virtues of the Arabic letters, and how to write them in various potent arrays (illustrated). For …
Arabic magical fragment with text in different directions, invocations of names of God, and several red grids filled with numbers and/or symbols and/or words.
Astrological text in Judaeo-Arabic. One of the horoscopes predicts something about a dark woman with pimples (bathr) on her face and getting enchanted (wa-lā budd …
Magical fragment. In Arabic script, with pious Islamic phrases (incl. lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwa illā billāhi al-ʿaliyy al-ʿaẓīm). With stars of David.
Magical spells. One folio from a larger booklet. In Arabic script. Possibly for arousing love (tahyīj al-ḥubb?). One of them is to be placed inside …
Document in unconnected Arabic script interspersed with cryptic symbols. Only the first few characters of each line are preserved. Perhaps magical. The fragment was reused …
Love spell in Judaeo-Arabic. For Esther bt. Nazlī to fall in love with Ḥayyim b. Barda. The hand looks late and possibly Iraqi—but that is …
Magical fragment. In Arabic script. Including epithets of God (Ḥayy, Qayyūm, Dā'im, Dayyūm, Huwa Huwa) and Quranic verses (idhā qaḍā amran innamā yaqūlu lahu kūn(!) …
Amulet in Aramaic and Hebrew against various afflictions, such as "scare-crows of the night, afflictions, fever, ague, fear of evil, the voice, the crushing of …
Document in Arabic script. Only a thin vertical sliver has survived. Probably magical, based on the stick-and-ball drawings. Needs examination.
Magical fragment in Arabic script, including a spell for 'inflaming' (tahyīj).
4 pages of geomancy divinations, in which the questions are given (e.g. How high will the Nile be, and will produce be cheap or expensive? …
Bifolium. One folio is a Judaeo-Arabic translation of Exodus 21:1-17, 27:20-28. The other folio is magical instructions in Arabic script. The first few lines of …