מכתב: ENA NS 52.21
מכתב ENA NS 52.21What's in the PGP
- תמונה
Letter from an unknown writer, in Rashīd, to the sage R. Badosa, in Fustat/Cairo. In Hebrew. Dating: Second half of the 16th century. The writer describes the fear in Rashīd that an epidemic will break out. In the continuation it becomes apparent that the epidemic is already in Fustat/Cairo. The writer heard from Yiṣḥaq Ashkenazi and from Yeshuʿa Zimati(?) that for five days there has been no new case (in Fustat/Cairo). The writer is about to embark on a journey to flee the epidemic. He has hired passage to an unnamed location on a ship from Damietta (? דמאת) together with Yosef Ṭaffār and some other "good Jews." They plan to leave on Friday. If the addressee should wish to come to Rashīd, he should not carry any money with him, because the roads are dangerous. The writer's sister will remain Rashīd until the addressee arrives; in the meantime, the writer has made all necessary provisions for her. Information in part from FGP. ASE
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