מכתב: CUL Or.1080 J180

מכתב CUL Or.1080 J180



Letter from Abū Zikrī Kohen in Fustat, to Abū Zikrī Yaḥyā b. Sulaymān b. al-Shāmī, in ʿAydhāb. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Ṭevet 1452 Seleucid = December 1140 / January 1141 CE. Deals with business matters, mentioning commodities such as camphor, brazilwood, and frankincense. Goitein's handwritten description in his notes: "The letter is directed to the East African port ʿAidhāb, for the writer like asks the receiver to take action there, cf. top, l.1–verso, l.7. It was sent from Cairo, for the sender reports that people were going up to ʿAidāb top, ll. 6–8, and he includes a list of prices with the request to buy at the receiver's place. No. 244 is instructive in various respects. It shows us the motivation of the representative of the merchants of Cairo as that of ʿAidhāb. The way in which Abū Zikrī asks the receiver to look after the novice Mufaḍḍạl, verso ll.7–14, is tantamount to an outright command and the same could be said about his order to deal with the goods saved from the Dībājī's ship, margin l.6–verso l.7. Likewise we find the Wakīl of ʿAidhab in charge of the goods saved from Dībājī's boat, although another man, Akbar, had received them. To be sure, the merchants concerned, both Muslims and Jews, had entrusted the Wakīl with this task. On the other hand, it is astonishing that the Muslim merchants and one Jew, Nahrai, had to make the long and dangerous journey from Cairo to ʿAidhāb in order to take over their goods. [[Most probably great quantities were involved.]] In no. [reference to be inserted later] we find Nahrai setting out from ʿAidhāb in the Dībājī's boat. Here, it is to be understood that he had come back in the same. If the goods saved were pepper, lac and brazilwood it is safe to assume that the ship did not founder, in which case these products were likely to be spoiled, but was captured by pirates and later on recaptured, most probably by the Fatimid fleet. It is interesting to learn from our letter, l.19–margin l.1, that a merchant could take a credit from the Dīwān, government, in ʿAidhāb. It cannot be assumed that for this he needed the recommendation of representatives of the merchants, as Abū Zikrī would have certainly referred to a relevant document attached. The reason for this extraordinary precaution obviously was the following: the Oriental goods were sent "en bloc", with the share, qisṭ, of each merchant indicated in the list handed over to the Wakīl. A considerable part of the sending was lost, margin l. 7. The merchants obviously did not trust the Wakīl to portion off the remainder equitably. About this important aspect of the Wakīl's office, see [reference to be inserted later]."

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S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.


  1. ב
  2. תקדמת כתבי אלי מולאי אלשיך
  3. אלאגל אטאל אללה פי אלכיר בקאהא ואדאם
  4. תאיידהא וסעאדתהא וסלאמתהא ונעמתהא
  5. ורפעתהא ותמכינהא וסנאהא וכבת באלדל
  6. אלמהין חסדתהא ואעדאהא ומן חסן אלתופיק
  7. לא אכלאה וקד אשרחת לך פיהא גמיע
  8. אלאמור ואלאחואל ולם יתזייד אמרא אלא
  9. כתרה אלשוק אליך קרב אללה אלאגתמאע
  10. בהא עלי אפצל חאל ואבלג אמאל במנה
  11. וכפי לטפה אנה ולי דלך ואלקאדר עליה
  12. אן שא אללה ברחמתה וקד אעלמתך
  13. פיהם בכל אסעאר אלבצאיע מא
  14. אחתאג אעידהא עליך בל אחרץ אן
  15. כאן כרג מעך לבאן ובקם אנפדה ילחק
  16. אלמוסם אד אלבקם אלטייב במאיה דינ
  17. ועשרה דנא אלחמל ואללבאן בעשרין דינ
  18. אלקנטאר ועשרה ארטאל ואלם יכן מעך
  19. שי וכאן אללבאן ממכן אקתרץ מן

Recto, right margin:

  1. אלדיואן
  2. ואשתרי מנה
  3. ואלכאפור איצא קליל
  4. בעשרה דנא אלמן ואל
  5. אסעאר ביד אללה תע
  6. ואמא גיר דלך אן למא
  7. תכלץ להם מא תכלץ
  8. מן מרכב אלדיבאגי
  9. וצל מנה אלי עידאב
  10. ובקי פי סואכן אלבעץ
  11. וצאק עליהם אלוקת
  12. וכלוא עלי אלבאקי
  13. אבו אלכרם אלוכיל
  14. ואסם כל ואחד
  15. מנהם בקסטה
  16. ואסם שמואל פי
  17. אלגמלה וקסטה
  18. איצא וקד

Recto, top margin:

  1. וצל מן אכבר
  2. אן וצל אליה פי עידאב
  3. פלפל ולאך ובקם
  4. וקבץ דלך אלוכיל
  5. והו ענדה ואלמסלמין
  6. טאלעין יקבצוא 
  7. קצטהם ונהראי
  8. איצא טאלע
  9. אחרץ אן


Marina Rustow, [גרסת מסמך גניזה דיגיטלי].


  1. I(n your name)
  2. I previously sent letters to my lord, the most glorious
  3. elder — may God prolong his existence in health and make eternal
  4. his support, happiness, wellbeing, benefaction,
  5. high rank, strength and splendor and vanquish with humiliation
  6. and ignominy those who envy him and his enemies, and never deprive him
  7. of the good of success — in which I explained to you all
  8. the matters and circumstances. I won't expand on it except to say
  9. that I long for you, may God bring our reunion near 
  10. in the most preferable circumstances and the greatest expectations in his benefaction
  11. and abundance of kindness, since He is responsible for this and has the power to bring it about, 
  12. if God wills in his mercy. I also informed you 
  13. in them of all the prices of the goods that
  14. I need to send back to you. But I would like, if 
  15. this is stuitable to you, for frankincense and brazilwood to be sent immediately after
  16. the holiday, if the good brazilwood goes for 120 dinars
  17. per bale and the frankincense for 20 dinars
  18. per qinṭār and 20 raṭls. If you don't have anything
  19. with you and frankincense is available, get a loan from


Recto - right margin

  1. the dīwān
  2. and buy some,
  3. as well as a bit of camphor
  4. for 20 dinars per mann. But 
  5. prices are in the hands of God the exalted.
  6. As for the rest, when 
  7. whatever there was that was unloaded
  8. from the boat of the Dībājī,
  9. some of the items came to ʿAydhāb,
  10. and some remained in Suwākin.
  11. They ran out of time 
  12. and Abū l-Karam the wakīl
  13. took possession of the rest.
  14. Each person's name
  15. is on his qisṭ,
  16. and Shemuʾel's name is
  17. on all of them, and also 
  18. on his own qisṭ.

Recto - top

  1. Some news arrived
  2. that pepper, lac and brazilwood
  3. arrived in ʿAydhāb.
  4. The wakīl claimed them,
  5. and they're with him and with the Muslims
  6. who are going up to claim
  7. their qisṭ. Nahrāy
  8. is also going up.
  9. I would like for

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  1. תקבץ מא יכץ שמואל מן אלקסט ולא
  2. תתואנא פיה וכדלך איצא מא יכץ זכרי
  3. אלטראבלסי ואן אראד אלוכיל כתב חגה
  4. עליך פי אלדמה במא תקבצה מנה אפעל
  5. ולא תכאף פי שי מן דלך אד גמיע אלתגאר
  6. יעלמוא אן אלדרהם אלדי כאן פי יד שמואל
  7. לך ואנת ספרתה בה מן עדן ומא אחתאג
  8. אוציך פי מסאעדה אלשיך מפצל מוצל
  9. כתאבי הדא אליך ואלוקוף מעה ומהמא
  10. תטלב מן אלאת אלספר וכאנת ענדך
  11. תקצי חקה פיהא ותכתרי לה איצא מע
  12. מן תעלם אנה ירעאה ואן כתבת אלי עדן
  13. כתב ערפהם קדרה וביתה ונריד כתבה
  14. תצלני במא תפעלה מעה מן אלגמיל
  15. ואקרי גמיע מן כרג מן אצחאבנא פי אלכארם באתם
  16. סלאם

Verso, right margin:

  1. קראת עליך אפצל אלסלאם
  2. וסלימאן ויצחק אולאדי
  3. יכצוך באתם אלסלאם
  4. ואבו אלחסן ואכתאיה
  5. יכצך באתם אלסלאם
  6. ואלאהל אגמעין יכצוך
  7. באתם אלסלאם
  8. ומן תשמלה ענאיתך
  9. באתם אלסלאם ומסלם
  10. ושמואל יכצוך באתם
  11. אלסלאם ושלום רב
  12. טבת אתנב

Verso, address:

  1. חצרה מולאי אלשיך אלאגל אבי זכרי
  2. יחיי בן סלימאן נע בן אלשאמי כתב אללה סלאמתה
  3. שאכר תפצלה
  4. אבו זכרי כהן שלום


  1. you to claim what belongs to Shemuʾel from the qisṭ. Don't
  2. slack on this. Also, regarding Zikrī
  3. al-Ṭarābulusī, the wakīl wanted legal documents
  4. showing that you entered into an agreement about claiming his (goods). Do it,
  5.  and don't worry about it if all the merchants
  6. know that the dirham in Shemuʾel's hands
  7. belongs to you and you left Aden with it. I don't need
  8. to urge you to help the elder Mufaḍḍal in bringing
  9. this letter of mine to you and executing (the contents of) it with him. Whatever
  10. accoutrements you request for the journey، you have
  11. a right to claim them. Make the choice as well for
  12. anyone whom you know he's taking care of. If you write letters to Aden,
  13. let them know what he's capable of and the family he comes from. I'd' like his letters
  14. to reach me letting me know of the kindness you've shown him.
  15. Send best regards to all our colleagues who have left with the Kārim.

Verso, right margin

  1. I send you best regards.
  2. Also Sulaymān, Yiṣḥaq and my children — 
  3. send them best regards.
  4. Send Abū l-Ḥusayn and his two sisters
  5. best regards.
  6. Send the entire family
  7. best regards.
  8. Send anyone over whom you extend your concern
  9. best regards. Send Musallam
  10. and Shemuʾel best
  11. regards. Utmost peace.
  12. Ṭevet 1452 (Sel.)

Verso, address:

  1. His honor my lord the most glorious elder Abū Zikrī
  2. Yaḥyā b. Sulaymān, may his resting place be Eden, b. al-Shāmī, may God decree his wellbeing
  3. (From) the one who is grateful for his benefactions, 
  4. Abū Zikrī Kohen. Peace. 
תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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