מסמך משפטי: T-S 8J15.1

מסמך משפטי T-S 8J15.1

What's in the PGP

  • תמונה
  • 1 Translation


Legal document draft in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu about a gift from his father of almost all his books and copper vessels; brother Abu Zikri gets only a few small books.



T-S 8J15.1 1r

Motzkin, "The Arabic Correspondence of Judge Elijah and his Family" (PhD diss., n.p., 1965), 2.


  1. I present my son Solomon with a Torah commentary

  2. I present my son Solomon with a Torah commentary in five volumes, as well as

  3. the prayerbook of Rabbe'nu' Solomon (of blessed memory). No one else has any right to it. It is a gift for my son

  4. Solomon, a gift which cannot be taken back. A gift of a healthy man, not

  5. of one on his death-bed. All codices and copper vessels in my house

  6. belong to no one else. They are his, a definite gift. The remaining

  7. smaller codices he should divide with his brother Abu Zikri. The

  8. codex of the Torah, Prophets and Hagiographa is my son Solomon's. He may teach

  9. the pupils from it. His brother must not take them from him, nor divide them

  10. with him at all. They are my son Solomon's, a gift, whether he be a teacher or whether

  11. he not be a teacher. His brother has no right to that at all …. as

  12. God [is] my [witness]. I wrote this myself. I, Elljah, son of R. Ze[kharia.

T-S 8J15.1 1v

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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