מסמך משפטי: T-S 8J6.6 + T-S 10J4.4
מסמך משפטי T-S 8J6.6 + T-S 10J4.4תגים
Legal document. Location: Fustat. Dated: Thursday night, 23 Tammuz 1538 Seleucid = 9 July 1227 CE. ʿIbād and her sister, the daughters of Abū l-Majd, release each other from mutual claims. Signed by Judge Eliyyahu. Signatures validated on verso by Avraham Maimonides and Yaḥyā b. Elyaqim. (Information from FGP and CUDL.) See CUL Or.1080 J116 (PGPID 8889) for a list of related documents.