מסמך משפטי: T-S 24.7
מסמך משפטי T-S 24.7תגים
Qaraite marriage contract (ketubba). Location: Cairo. Dated: 1315 AM, which is 1003/04 CE. (In fact, Goitein points out that this is one of the oldest known documents from Cairo, which had been founded only ~35 years prior.) Groom: Shelomo b. Mevasser b. Sahl al-ʿAni. Bride: Sara bt. Yeshaʿya b. Sahl al-ʿAni. (Groom and bride are first cousins, abnā' ʿamm). The groom had already paid 100 ʿAzīzī dinars and promised another 50 at the wedding. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index cards.)