מסמך שלטוני: T-S 16.114 + T-S 24.57 + T-S AS 11.383 + T-S AS 146.195

מסמך שלטוני T-S 16.114 + T-S 24.57 + T-S AS 11.383 + T-S AS 146.195



Fatimid state report. Dating: beginning of the 12th century, during the reign of al-Afḍal. Describes a battle against the Crusaders. This fragment reports on the strategies used by the army. On verso of T-S 16.114 and T-S 24.57 there is a Hebrew poetic eulogy; on verso of T-S AS 11.383 and T-S AS 146.195 there is the beginning of a letter draft in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from Khan and CUDL.) Mentions "the plague which is widespread among the accursed Franks" (al-ṭāʿūn al-kathīr al-makān ʿinda al-Ifranj al-malāʿīn), but the continuation is unfortunately missing.

T-S 16.114 1v



Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).


  1. من طهارة ضمائرها ونقاء سرائر[ها           ]
  2. وصيالها على حراسة الاسلام والم[سلمي]ن [           ]
  3. الحوزة والدين وانتصابها وبذلها الاموال والذخائر 
  4. والاسلحة والعدد والرجال والولد
  5. والله تعالى يجعل النص[ير] معد و (؟) [     ب]الويتها وبنبلها
  6. فى اعزاز دينه واذلال عدوه كنه ارادتها
  7. وتصرف الاقدار على احكام اوامرها وامثلتها
  8. ولا زالت وفود البشائر الى المواقف المعظمة والافضلية
  9. واردة والتهانى بتجدد الفتح والنصر باكرة عايدة
  10. وخدمة المملوك هذه صادرة عنه فى يوم الاربع[ا]


Geoffrey Khan, Arabic Legal and Administrative Documents in the Cambridge Genizah Collections (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  1. ... of the purity of his heart and the nobility (literally: cleanness) of his disposition [  ]

  2. and his impetuonsness for the defence of Islam and the Muslims [  ]

  3. the territory and the religion. His steadfastness and his sacrifice of money and treasures,

  4. arms and equipment, men and children.

  5. May God, the exalted, cause victory to be at hand and [ ] with his banners and his arrows

  6. in the strengthening of his religion. The humiliation of his enemy is his heart's desire.

  7. Fortune is determined by his commands and decrees.

  8. Bearers of good tidings continually come to the mighty presence of al-'Afdal.

  9. Congratulations for the renewal of conquest, with victory hastening back.

  10. This report of the slave is sent by him on Wednesday


T-S 24.57 1v



  1. [             ] ا الم. [      ]ن الاتفاق على الراى
  2. [             ]ة الحصن ومحاصرته ومضايقه      وافراد كل [ط]ـائفة
  3. من الرجال المنصورين بجانب من القتال وفرق الحرب
  4. لتبيين جزائرها وتقع العوارف الكريمة منهم احسن مواقعها
  5. وان يرتبوا الفرسان الاجواد على جميع الطرقات 
  6. لمرابطها وحفظها واستعمال اليقظة والحراسة
  7. في الليل والاخذ بما لزمته الحوطة 
  8. فانفرد المملوك بكل طائفة من الرجال المنصورين فارسهم وراجلهم
  9. وخاطبهم بما طيب لنفسهم ونخاهم وقوى متنهم
  10. فتوجهوا وطائر الاقبال يرف عليهم ودلائل 
  11. فتوجهوا وطائر الاقبال يرف عليهم ودلائل النصر
  12. والتوفيق بينة فيهم فراى المملوك من انشراحهم فاطابت به
  13. نفسه وانشرح له صدره وباتو ليلة الاثنين
  14. بالقرب من الحصن المذكور وضاحوه بكرة يوم الثلثا وبه خفرى
  15. [         ] وهو الطاعون الكثير المكان عند الفرنج الملاعين
  16. [                                 ] رجاله
  1. [ ] the agreement on the decision

  2. [to ] the fortress, to besiege it and beleaguer it, to position each division

  3. of the victorious soldiers at a (different) part of the fighting and split the battle

  4. in separate islands so that their noble qualities be used to their best effect,

  5. to draw up the excellent cavalry along all the roads,

  6. to take up position upon them and guard, and to display alertness and watchfulness

  7. at night and act according to what caution dictates.

  8. The slave visited each division of the victorious soldiers, both their cavalry and their infantry,

  9. and spoke to them persuasively, incited them, strengthened their spirits

  10. and promised them all-embracing kindnesses and favourable treatment.

  11. They set off with the bird of good fortune fluttering above them and the sigus of victory

  12. and success clear among them. The slave saw their joy and he was himselfdelighted

  13. and joyful. They spent Monday night

  14. near to the aforementioned fortress and made an assault on it early on Tuesday morning. There were watchmen in it

  15. [  ] , it was the plague which is epidemical among the accursed Franks.

  16. [ ] his men

T-S AS 11.383 1v



  1. ثم هجر الرج[ا]ل من النقب الى داخل الحصن…. [      ]
  2. الى اقبآ طباق النقب وا[ب]جوها (؟) من [      ] ف[     ].... اعاليها وقاتلوا
  3. الرجل المنصورين قتالا شديدًا بالطلا [عـ]ـات وطاعنوهم وضاربوهم

T-S AS 146.195 1r

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • T-S 16.114: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S 24.57: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S AS 11.383: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S AS 146.195: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.