מכתב: T-S 8.23

מכתב T-S 8.23



Letter from (or to?) Minyat Zifta in the hand of Mevorakh b. Natan. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning various community affairs and expressing concern about the lack of reply to previous correspondence regarding the appointment of trustees. At the end of the letter Abū l-ʿAlā is mentioned, who had been very ill. The writer also mentions Ibn Sālim al-Labbān, who is a tax farmer in Minyat Zifta, Abū l-Ḥasan צהר אלחבר, Abū l-Baqā, Bint Manṣūr […] al-Kohen al-Malījī, Bint Umm Manṣūr, Bint Umm Nawīm (or Nuways?), Abū ʿAlī b. Sahlān, Abū Saʿd al-Malik, Abū l-Khayr al-Kohen, Amīn al-Dawla Abū Saʿd and his son, Abū l-Maʿāli al-Levi, Abū l-Makārim, Abū l-ʿAlā, and also Minyat Ghamr and the Nasi. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index card.)

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תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
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