מסמך משפטי: ENA 4011.11
מסמך משפטי ENA 4011.11תגים
Geṭ ḥaliṣa (release from levirate marriage). In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Location: New Cairo. Dating: 1127–38 CE, based on Ḥalfon's years of activity and the fragmentary reference to Maṣliaḥ Gaon. The widow is named Mufaddā bt. Menashshe ha-Levi. Her late husband is Yosef b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi, and the brother who performs the ḥaliṣa is Moshe b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi.