סמי ספרותי: T-S AS 221.307
סמי ספרותי T-S AS 221.307תגים
Colophon in the hand of Masliaḥ b. Nissim, in Cairo. Dating: 2 Tammuz, 1505 Seleucid (Friedman and Ashur). Attached to an unknown manuscript copied by Masliaḥ. The document also contains mirrored text, imprinted from a Maimonidean responsum on T-S AS 221.306 (PGPID 40127) over the course of centuries of adjacent storage. (Information from Friedman and Ashur)
Edition: Friedman, Mordechai Akiva; Ashur, Amir
Translation: Friedman, Mordechai Akiva; Ashur, Amir (in English)
T-S AS 221.307 verso
Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).verso
- שמיא
- וכתבתי אני מצליח ביר נסים
- בידי והגהתי אותה מנוסא בדיקא
- ביום הרבעי (!) שהוא שני ימים לירח
- תמוז המקבה יהפוך אותו לססון (!)
- ולשמחה בשנת אלפא וארבע וחמש
- מאה וארבע שנין ל[ש]טרות דרגילנא
- למ<י>מנא ביה בעיר אלקה<א>הרה (!) דעל
- נילוס נהרא מ[ותב]ה ושלום
Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).- Heaven
- I, Masliaḥ b. Nissim, wrote this
- in my own hand and proofread and compared it with an accurate copy
- on Wednesday, 2nd of the month
- of Tammuz—may the Omnipresent blessed be He change it into a time of joy
- and happiness—in the year one thousand, four five
- hundred and four, Era of the Documents, which we use customarily
- for dating, in the city of Cairo, located
- on the Nile. Peace.