סמי ספרותי: T-S AS 221.307

סמי ספרותי T-S AS 221.307



Colophon in the hand of Masliaḥ b. Nissim, in Cairo. Dating: 2 Tammuz, 1505 Seleucid (Friedman and Ashur). Attached to an unknown manuscript copied by Masliaḥ. The document also contains mirrored text, imprinted from a Maimonidean responsum on T-S AS 221.306 (PGPID 40127) over the course of centuries of adjacent storage. (Information from Friedman and Ashur)

T-S AS 221.307 verso



Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).


  1. שמיא
  2. וכתבתי אני מצליח ביר נסים
  3. בידי והגהתי אותה מנוסא בדיקא
  4. ביום הרבעי (!) שהוא שני ימים לירח
  5. תמוז המקבה יהפוך אותו לססון (!)
  6. ולשמחה בשנת אלפא וארבע וחמש
  7. מאה וארבע שנין ל[ש]טרות דרגילנא
  8. למ<י>מנא ביה בעיר אלקה<א>הרה (!) דעל
  9. נילוס נהרא מ[ותב]ה ושלום


Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).
  1. Heaven
  2. I, Masliaḥ b. Nissim, wrote this
  3. in my own hand and proofread and compared it with an accurate copy
  4. on Wednesday, 2nd of the month
  5. of Tammuz—may the Omnipresent blessed be He change it into a time of joy
  6. and happiness—in the year one thousand, four five
  7. hundred and four, Era of the Documents, which we use customarily
  8. for dating, in the city of Cairo, located
  9. on the Nile. Peace.