רשומה קשורה ל-מכתב: T-S AS 221.306
מכתב T-S AS 221.306- ציטוט
- Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307,"Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).
- Relation to document
- Digital Edition
- Digital Translation
Editors: Friedman, Mordechai Akiva; Ashur, Amir
Translators: Friedman, Mordechai Akiva; Ashur, Amir (in English)
T-S AS 221.306 recto

Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).
עליה ובדר מנה עליהִ וִעלי ואלדִה
אלמתופא בלשון קללהִ [יורינו] רבינו
מא ילזמה חק עלי תגריחה (?) בלשון
הרע ושכרו כפול מן השמים
אן כאן לענה או לואלדה (?) ב...
ולו ב... פילזמה מלקות
ואן כאן א.... פי צ׳רב
Mordechai Akiva Friedman and Amir Ashur, "A newly-discovered autograph responsum of Maimonides, lower script of a pseudo-palimpsest colophon: T-S AS 221.306–307," Fragment of the Month (Cambridge University: Genizah Research Unit, 2012).
- […] against him and in his anger he assailed him and his late father
- with a curse. [Instruct us,] our master,
- to what penalty is he liable for having defamed him (=the complainant) with
- slander? And may he (= you) be granted a double reward by heaven.
- The answer:
- If he cursed him or his father (?) in […]
- even if in […], he is liable to punishment by lashes
- and if … he should be beaten