רשימה או טבלה: T-S H5.119 + T-S AS 122.8 + T-S NS 289.132 + T-S AS 132.176

רשימה או טבלה T-S H5.119 + T-S AS 122.8 + T-S NS 289.132 + T-S AS 132.176


Accounts in Arabic script, in large letters with wide line spacing. Reminiscent of state accounts, but likely private. E.g., "Owed by Ibn al-Kaʿkī...." Various dates are mentioned, including 537 AH = 1142/43 CE. Also refers to the rent paid by a deceased man. The second row of T-S AS 132.176 mentions ambergris; the third row begins "wa-ayḍan," and the fifth row looks like it mentions "the shroud of the mother" (fī kafan al-wālida), but this is probably wrong. Reused on recto for Hebrew/Aramaic seliḥa in the hand of a prolific scribe (see e.g. T-S Misc.22.69 (PGPID 23329) and Joins Suggestions on FGP). Fols. 1 and 3 join of T-S H5.119 join; fol. 2 is a small unrelated fragment with unidentified Arabic script (with a bit of Hebrew). (Information in part from CUDL.) Joins: Alan Elbaum

T-S AS 122.8 1v




T-S AS 132.176 1v


T-S AS 132.176 1r


T-S AS 122.8 1r

תנאי היתר שימוש בתצלום
  • T-S AS 122.8: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.
  • T-S AS 132.176: Provided by Cambridge University Library. Zooming image © Cambridge University Library, All rights reserved. This image may be used in accord with fair use and fair dealing provisions, including teaching and research. If you wish to reproduce it within publications or on the public web, please contact genizah@lib.cam.ac.uk.