מסמך משפטי: T-S 8J23.23
מסמך משפטי T-S 8J23.23תגים
Legal query. Dating: Early 13th century (per Goitein). Concerning the wife of a Kohen who traveled two or three times without letting her know how long he would remain absent or leaving her sufficient food. She swore "oaths frightening the mountains" (אימאן תרעד אלגבאל) that after his return she would not remain with him. The fact of his being a kohen is mentioned because a kohen is forbidden to marry a divorcée. It was common for couples to divorce and then remarry, so (as Friedman points out) "the sages were reluctant to sanction a Kohen's divorce and attempted to delay such actions (see, e.g., M. Ket. 7:1)." The empty space at the bottom of the page was probably left to write the responsum. (Information from Goitein's note card and from Friedman, "Divorce upon the Wife's Demand.")
Edition: Goitein, S. D.
Translation: Friedman, Mordechai Akiva (in English)
T-S 8J23.23 1r
S. D. Goitein, unpublished editions.- מא יקול סידנא ירום הודו ויגדל כבודו פי
- אמראה בעלהא כהן סאפר דפעה ותנתין
- ותלאתה ולם תעלם וקת ספרה ומא
- כלא להא לא מא תאכל ולא מא תשרב
- תם חלפת באימאן תרעב אלגבאל אנהא
- לא תקעד מעה בעד הדה אלמרה וכל
- מן יכלמהא פי צלחה תגדד אלאימאן אנהא
- מא תקעד מעה
Mordechai Akiva Friedman, "Divorce Upon The Wife’s Demand as Reflected in Manuscripts from the Cairo Geniza," The Jewish Law Annual 4 (n.p.: Brill, 1981), 103–126.Recto
What does our lord—may his splendour be exalted and his honour increase—say concerning
a woman whose husband, a Kohen, has travelled, once, twice,
and three times. She didn't know the times of his travelling. He didn't
leave her anything to eat or drink.
She then swore by oaths that would make the mountains tremble that she
would not remain with him after this time. Whenever anyone
speaks to her to reconcile with him, she renews her oaths that
she won't stay with him.